BitShares grabs all-time blockchain activity record! today

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An Unexpected Stress Test - Results say it all

Root cause of the unusually large volume of activity in the past days was in fact found to be an accidental global stress test. One of the active block producers (witnesses) had made a private investment and a sprint to fully test the limits of their own setup, by publishing a bleeding edge amount of price feeds. This ended up in millions of operations being made. By the time you read this, the testing will likely have come to an end. Even so, this unexpected little test didn't even push the blockchain utilization capacity out from the green reading! Oh - and if you add up all operations from all on the rest, BitShares processed more than all of them added together in the past 24 hours!

As you can see in the image, we've added some annotations so you can follow along. Ultimate interest is always 'CUI', and that's staying really low on all Graphene-based blockchains. Here is how this metric is described on ...

"Capacity Utilization Index" (CUI):

"This index is straightforward. It represents the actual blockchain usage and the remaining available capacity. Have a look at how many Tx have been recorded during a day and see how much more capacity the blockchain has left. You will be surprised!" source

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