BitShares PTS (formerly called ProtoShares) Responder à pergunta "O que é BitShares?"

BitShares PTS (formerly called ProtoShares) was developed for an entirely different reason than what its paradigm-shattering role became shortly after launch. In fact, every one of the subsequent breathtaking innovations came about from reacting to opportunities and lessons learned from the previous month’s breakthroughs and, um, screw-ups.Necessity is the mother of invention. I wish we could say we had it all planned out in advance, but no business plan survives first contact with the market.
We are merely blessed opportunists.
Initially, we were just looking for a way serve people interested in our first objective, BitShares X. A way for them to start mining and trading it early.BitShares X was first viewed as a coin backed by a built-in business that gives it more worth than the speculative value of a meme or some alternative technical implementation. In this first case, that integral unmanned business was a decentralized bank and exchange.
has been one of the most difficult challenges I have faced. BitShares is so many things to different people and there are a thousand different ways of understanding what BitShares is.This post will tell you what BitShares is to me, its founder. Before getting into the long-answer to this question, let me give you the executive summary. BitShares is one of the most important tools that any community can use to secure their freedom;an idea whose time has come. After reading this post I bet you will agree.

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