Bitshares is MASSIVELY underrated; one gateway(Cryptobridge) is worth 25% of the ENTIRE Bitshares platform

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At the time of this writing, BridgeCoin has a 130 million market cap and Bitshares has a 590 million market cap. Either Bitshares is massively undervalued or BridgeCoin is way overvalued. Considering bridgeCoin can be valued more reliably than other coins due to the profit share distributed to the stakeholders, it is relatively fairly valued. Consequently, Bitshares must be one of the most undervalued coins on the market.

An analogy to illustrate this paradox would be if Sia Coin or OMG were around 25% of the valuation of Etherium; in fact, the multiple is 80-100 times. Similar to Etherium, Bitshares is a platform token with hundreds of different types of businesses that can operate on it spanning almost every industry. From games(bitsfarm), Decentralized exchanges(Cryptobridge/Open ledger/rudex), prediction markets, banking and remittances(zephyr), and any industry that needs crowdfunding or wants to list securities or any asset imaginable backed by a crypto.

To put this in perspective, Ripple and Stellar have around a 35 billion and 7 billion market cap, respectively. These cryptocurrencies target one use case, international remittances. This is just one application that can be utilized on bitshares due to the built in exchange and ease of liquidity for market pegged assets for each and every country(bit USD, bit CNY, bit Euro etc.)

Today, AEX announced they are issuing a token analogous to Binance coin on the Bitshares blockchain. This is huge but not extremely clear to the retail investor. When a big company builds on Etherium, the logic is they will have an ICO and investors will need to buy Etherium; this is easy to understand and wrap your mind around. However, with bitshares, many companies are building just their backend on Bitshares which in reality is actually more valuable than a one time crowd fund. Because of Bitshares value as a backend performance theatre, it's taking a while for investors to realize it's true value.

Conceivably every asset in the world can be issued and traded on this platform. So what's going on here? Well, Bitshares is really really complicated. To understand how the token is valuable you have to swim through all the technical details and value propositions. Accordingly, investors have a bias not to invest in things that are too complex(See railblocks for an example of what average investors like-nice and simple). Because we are still in the retail investor world, their opinion matters. To substantiate this misunderstanding, even alleged insiders are confused. The Weiss report just had their emergency briefing and guess what, they don't understand it. While the tech was conceded as positive, they said it will be irrelevant when EOS comes in June.

However, their logic was astronomically weak because they gave Steem a top rating; Steem could also theoretically be replaced by another dapp on EOS(It won't happen but it's possible). Essentially, they don't understand the difference between a general smart contract platform and an application specific one. Companies and projects want to plugin to an existing highway and are willing to buy a car and pay for gas; They do not want to build the highway when they are in the car manufacturing business; there are advantages to bootstrapping projects on an existing network for network effects and the security is stronger. Most importantly, EOS is going to increase Bitshares Growth and not hinder it(SEE Stan's recent post on the middle chain integration of EOS).

What can I say besides the market is a mechanism to move money from the impatient to the patient.

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