Bitnation Could Legitimize a New Governance Paradigm

Radical thought is the precursor to radical change. This truth is inescapable. Bitnation has emerged as an alternative to existing paradigms of governance. This visionary model of a borderless world has the potential to legitimize self-governance as a better path for humanity. While virtual nations have been conceptualized in the past, a viable platform for developing them has been absent until now. Bitnation is moving beyond radical thought to assert the genuine possibility of radical change.

The Seed of a Paradigm Shift

Bitnation was founded in 2014 by Susanne Tarkowski Templehof. Her first-hand experience with systems of governance throughout the world served to provide incontrovertible evidence that our present geopolitical state of affairs is untenable. The experiment of traditional governance has failed spectacularly, leaving in its wake systemic oppression. Those who have become dependent on nation states for governance have suffered in exchange for a mythical promise that remains unfulfilled. Indeed, the very promise of nation states to elevate the lives of citizens can never be fulfilled because it rests on the flawed foundation that the state has the best interests of every citizen at heart. Such as never been the case throughout the entire course of human history.

The growing anger and frustration of human beings in all parts of the world with traditional governance is a boiling pot of hostilities. The nation state breeds these hostilities, many of which are defined by geographical borders and political ideologies that do not always reflect the will of the people. While those in power profit from advancing their own agendas, most often for monetary gain, the common citizen struggles with the most basic needs of life: water to drink, food to eat, and an economy that is fair and rewarding. This may seem like an oversimplification, but it speaks to why traditional governance has failed. Humanity has become oppressed to the point that its energy must be solely devoted to survival.

Yet, there is the seed of a paradigm shift in the vision of Ms. Templehof and Bitnation. The platform has the potential to legitimize a new model of governance, one that can ultimately improve lives and relationships between citizens who share one world.

The Transmutation of Radical Thought to Sustainable Reality

In every instance, an idea is the birthing ground of reality. The automobile. A cure for polio. The personal computer. All existed in the mind of man before they could be made tangible examples of humankind's ability to evolve and improve. Bitnation now exists as an idea that can be manifested as reality, but only if those who are passionate about the concept become its advocates.

Radical may be defined as "relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something." Those of us who have accepted Bitnation as a new paradigm of governance are in a unique position to affect the fundamental nature of life on earth. We are pioneers in what may very well be one of the final frontiers for humanity. Our words and ideas are not enough. Bitnation is giving us the opportunity to transmute radical though to sustainable reality. In 50 years society could look back upon Bitnation as a tipping point, mankind's moment of escape velocity.

To learn more about Bitnation, please visit

Disclaimer: The contents of this post represent the author's own views and do not necessarily represent the views of Bitnation, its founders, or its citizens.

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