What if Bitconnect is not a scam?

Overkill on crypto

The last few weeks, the news and feed on crypto, Bitcoin and especially Bitconnect is insane.
I have always said that is a scam, and I still think these kind of returns are unsustainable. But, after looking into it quite deeply, I must say, there businessplan is quite ingenius. You can't really call it a pyramid-scheme yet, because the BCC-token is there collateral and it has risen exponentially, as was the intention. You lend them BCC-tokens, and you get paid back in USD. They keep the coins. That's the plan, and so far it has been working pretty well.


But of course this BCC-token, can't keep on rising (or can it?), and Bitcoin can't keep on rising (or can it?)...
Or will BCC overtake BTC eventually, or at least come next to it. That really can be a possibility, and in that case, if BCC gets the same "faith" by the crypto world as BTC... Then, the holders of BCC are the real winners...

download (1).png

I'm still in dubio, but I will monitor it closely...



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