There is only one chance for BCC holders

After announcing closing of bitconnect investing platform yesterday, all lenders had been "refunded" by the company. Sad thing is that they did not pay investors with USD or BTC, but BCC. Everybody wanted to do something clever saving their money as much as they could, and they wanted to do it fast. Some people managed to tranfer their BCC tokens to other exchanges, and sold them. (Who were the people that bought is another question). Price has fallen to somewhere around $20-40. Now is this the most clever way? I don't think so.

What else can they do? Well, not much. Losing the money they invested is almost a sure thing now. But there is a small chance for them to recover a bit. They should wait if bitconnectx will be successful or not. There could be a chance to get some money back. Money, that will be less, than invested, but probably more than you can get for your BCC now.


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