Its a Pleasure to be Here! My story, my journey, My daughter's Cancer & how it lead me into Crypto....

Well first allow me to introduce myself. My name is Daniel.
Im sure just by reading the title of this post, you wondering how my daughters cancer lead me in the direction of crypto currency. Well its not that complicated actually. Let me explain....
When our little princess was diagnosed with Leukemia over 2 years ago, my wife and I had to stop working our full-time jobs because she needed full-time care. On top of that, we had our 3 year old son, who was 1 at the time, and as you can imagine he needed our attention as well. Things began getting difficult for us very early on as it was very evident that the lack of our 2 incomes was beginning to make everyday life harder and harder as each week went by.
We then needed to start the battles with insurance companies, disability providers & the ever loving adjusters who hold in their hands, the power to dictate whether or not you get a cent!
So with our depleted funds and savings, and our reduced insurance & long term disability payments, we began attempting to adjust ourselves financially to try and survive. We've battled, kicked, punched and fought ourselves through every single day ensuring that our little girl had what she needed and that she had a reason to smile while going through a nightmare that no child should ever be faced with. At the same time our daughter began her battle, she also asked us if it was ok if we found a way to try and help the other brave little soldiers @ McMaster Childrens Hospital, have a reason to smile also. And it was at that point our 5 year old daughter began her own charity and as of Christmas 2017, we have delivered over 3500 toys, gift cards, books & stuffed animals to not only our daughters hospital but to 2 other affiliate hospitals as well. A nation wide news report was done on our little warrior and you can watch it on YouTube. If you'd like to view it simply type "Arianna Koeniger" in the YouTube search bar & you can watch the CBC news segment.
Our thought has always been, even if we have very little, we know the struggles of a child with cancer and we know how this affects the families, so we will attempt to give as much as we can in an effort to ease even the smallest of suffering.

So about a year into treatments we were able to slowly return to work part-time while my wife and i took turns caring for our daughter and son. One day our little family of four decided to take a trip to near by Niagara Falls because it was something our little girl wanted to do and her blood counts were well enough that we were able to actually do something together as apposed to being isolated in a ward room at the hospital.
On our way home we were involved in a 7 car pile up on the highway which was caused by a young man you was recklessly driving at 120km/h and hit us from behind and caused an absolutely terrible chain reaction.
In a blink of an eye we were all hospitalized and my wife, both children and I sustained numerous injuries that now prevented us from continuing to work AGAIN and thats where everything began falling apart!!

Once again we battled insurance companies etc etc and as a family we were completely destroyed financially. Fast forward to today....
I write this post from a hotel room paid for by our region because we cant afford a place to live. I sit here at a desk while my beautiful wife and daughter sleep behind me and my little superman lays asleep in the second bed.
My daughter finished her chemo treatments on December 29th and today she had her first checkup and Im happy to say she is in remission and her blood counts are holding steady.
So this brings me to the Crypto side of things....
As we continued to battle through what I like to refer to as Hell, I began coming across more and more information regarding Bitcoin and everything that goes along with Cryptocurrency. I was hooked and addicted right off the get go!
I saw an opportunity to try and get involved in something that may just help my little family get some sort of better quality of life once again. So a while back a friend sent me around $200 worth of BTC and at that point I stumbled upon what everyone know as "Lending Platforms". Enter Bitconnect!! Yup, thats right, you read correctly.
Ill spare you all the details but I was able to accumulate some capital which i re-invested and was able to withdraw funds that allowed me to acquire items my family so desperately needed. I made it up to $1200 in loans and things were going ok.....And then it happened.....I lost everything that had given me so much hope and what I thought would allow me to better our quality of life that my poor little girl, wife and son so massively deserved.
All I was able to salvage was $21 that to this day sits in my Exodus wallet and reminds me everyday that I failed in trying to save our situation. My days are filled with non stop reading and absorbing any and all information I can that has anything to do with crypto currency. I am what I like to call a "Faucet slut" and im continuously trying to accumulate whatever amounts of BTC and Altcoin denominations i can get my paws on.
I harbor quite a bit of knowledge and would love to share what I know, what im learning & have learned as well as my honest points of view and opinions on the world of BitCoin and the CryptoCurrency universe...

Thank you kindly for taking the time to get to know me and read this lengthy
I hope to get to know this community well and we share together ways of improving our financial situations.

My well wishes to you all......until my next post :)

Here is a photo of my little girl a friend took after she lost her hair from the chemo. This photo of her in her SuperGirl costume means the world to me because to me, thats exactly what she is, my superhero!!!!


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