The ShitConnect Ponzi Train Can't Be Stopped (The Ugly Truth Inside)

Have you ever realized something is inevitable and there is nothing you or anyone else can do about it to change the situation?   Finally to just accept the reality.   21 Days ago I did a pool meeting about if ShitConnect was a scam.   It did OK on here but on YouTube it got some quick down votes.  There are a lot of people promoting it and it is in their best interest to just down vote any opposition to censor out the truth of the matter.   In the video I talk about why it is a illegal Ponzi scheme and an illegal pyramid scheme stacked on top of it.   If you want to watch the video you can.   

The Reasons It Can't Be Stopped And Will Go On For A Long Time

Who Is Legally Going To Stop It? 

Have you ever wondered how Bernie Madoff was able to get away with his scam for so long or why pyramid schemes like Amway, Herbalife, Mary Kay, Shakeology, Arbonne, and AdvoCare are allowed to continue to operate?   Well the first reason is because no one is likely to investigate unless there are LOTS and LOTS of complaints.   

So who is going to investigate Shitconnect?   Right now with prices of crypto currencies shooting through the roof and probably everyone is getting paid on time no one is going to really complain.  Plus there are so many scams out there going on from these ICO scams to all these Ponzi's that you would have to dedicate a lot of resources to trying to crack down on it.   The Federal Trade Commission can't even keep all these scammy Multi-Level Marketing companies in check so what would make anyone think they could keep track of all these crypto scams?    The Securities and Exchange Commission has enough to worry about with insider trading and all that outside of they crypto markets.   It just isn't in their job description to be looking into this stuff.   

Plus even if there were a lot of complaints and they tried to put the smack down on it they would have to file a lawsuit again Bitconnect and attempt to get injunctions to cease operation of the website and it would only be able to do that for whatever country that was filed it.   Like the United States for instance.   All that could take a long time to get that done in court even if they tried.   

The Lure Of Easy Money

Traditional Multi-Level Marketing uses every psychological trick in the book to entice people into their systems that have 99% failure rates from the participants.  

  • Personal testimonials
  • Products supposedly backed by science 
  • Outrageous and almost always false income claims from top distributors
  • Leveraging religion for financial gain

Shitconnect blows traditional Multi-Level Marketing out of the water because they don't have to pack and ship any kind of product.  They don't have to have customer service reps working the phone or any kind of central office.  There overhead can be so low and honestly could be ran by one or two very good programers. Obviously the trading bot doesn't exist so the programming mainly is for the functionality of the website and how it interacts with different wallets.  Once they had their calculations down the system can mainly just run.   

Pretty much everyone you ask would say that something like Amway is a scam.   But it just keeps getting new recruits. It is honestly pretty crazy. Something like Shitconnect is new and guess what.   A person doesn't have to recruit anyone or sell any kind of product.   So suddenly Shitconnect looks absolutely amazing compared to these quasi legal MLM companies.   

They Have A Lot Of Room To Keep Solvent

If the numbers get tight for Shitconnect they can just knock out a couple more levels for the affiliate pyramid commissions or lower the percentages that affiliates make.   If that isn't enough they can act like their fictitious trading bot isn't doing as well each day and take the average interest / day down a notch to a modest 1.1% / DAY!!!!   WTF!   

They can keep this game up for years.

There Is A Lot Of Room To Expand

We all know that crypto is new and as adoption grows it will continue to rise.   Well the same thing is true for Shitconnect.  Even with traditional MLM companies they are always able to position themselves that they are "different" than Amway.   When it is virtually a very similar system they are able to sign up people who wouldn't join Amway.   Well with Bitconnect it just looks like a magic money machine that all these people are showing their earnings in their wallets that are controlled by them.   So it would be easy for a person to say..... Why not???

Should You Invest? 

Suddenly we realize that the crypto scene is in triple retard mode and that some of the people who have actually profited the most are non technical people who are pitching clear ponzi schemes which will eventually do exit scams or become insolvent.     

As much as this truth hurts every person has a decision to make with their money.   We have these casino games basically and if a person decided to treat it like a total gamble I couldn't really blame them.   


You have to decide what to do with your money.   I really can't fault you if you throw some gambling money at the Shitconnect Ponzi.   Now if you start promoting it and pretend like it is a legit business investment then I will call you a scammer.  

If you promote it and call it out as a Ponzi and tell people it could be gone tomorrow then at least you warned them and made them realize it is their own decision....etc.   

I personally won't promote Shitconnect or any other program like it.   Ultimately I think it will be around for awhile and could become bigger than Bernie Madoff's $65 Billion Ponzi.   The reason being is because some of the top promoters are going to be earning millions and the lure of the potential is too great.   People just get to a Fuck It stage and join in.   For a scam it appears to be well thought out and has gotten way bigger than a lot of us probably would have thought. 

The creators of it will get greedy as well.   At first they might have wanted a Lambo, then suddenly they wanted a Bugatti Veyron, now they are going for the super yachts and they probably feel invincible.  Why shut down the most insane cash cow now?  

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