Attention to everything ???? bitcoin currencies are decreasing from 250 million to 136 million rupiahs, it's surprising .....

imageThis one digital currency is making everyone surprised and stunned by not almost everyone in this world wants this one digital currency, small amount of nominal but when exchanged with currency nominal in each country has valueexchange rates that dozens of times its currency make everyone want to have this one currency ..

At the time of the appearance of this bitcoin its selling point is still small and small. how happy people who have long owned it and sell it now. wow surely that person will become a billionaire ....

the growth of the increasingly increasing graph of its selling value lately makes people more incentive to have it and for people who have joined in collecting this one currency !!! certainly not happy abysmally ....

below is a graph of the decline in the value of bitcoin currency in exchange for Rupiah .. the initial peak of 250 Million high but now decreased almost half of the high price of 136 Million image

But recently the growth and exchange rate of bitcoin has declined. although this one digital currency is often up and down. but seeing its currency is dropping drastically lately some people shook their heads ....

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