Easy tips on finding a scam site

How to view Bitcoin-based sites that are scam | Have you ever been deceived in the Internet World? Maybe some have been and have not. With positive and negative impacts, the internet is now growing rapidly. For positive things we can find information from the world for example you can find this blog :). And for the negative also because we can not see other internet users then cheating is very easy. Especially with the emergence of Cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin, the flow of money will be very difficult to trace.


Have you ever been fooled by Bitcoin-based sites? Maybe some people have never been because generally sites on the Internet only use Paypal as a means of payment. Since I first met Bitcoin in 2015, I found many cheats based on Bitcoin, whether it's Cloud Mining, Invest, HYIP, Money Duplicator, and Traffic Exchange.

After years of playing with the Bitcoin site I finally found a way to check out a scam-based Bitcoin site, one of the easiest ways to view the site template form. Generally a Scam site that has a copy of the template from the original site or legit.

Here's how to check out a scam-based Bitcoin site

1.Domain active period

Because basically fraudsters want to get a quick profit from their business then Scam sites are generally short-lived, can only active 1 year. For legit usually their Domain age is about 5 to 10 years. But there is also a long active period and eventually become a scam

2.Copas result templates

Not only in the Blog template that can be copied Cloud Mining type site also there is a copy and paste especially the display. Their goal Copas famous template site is so that users think the site is part of a well-known site. In addition, the scam template site is generally disheveled, the location of the widget and the menu is not irregular because only in the copy saja.Sebagai when you have signed through the regester menu and lanfsung successfully login atomatis then in the site there is still the menu button regester when you were already in the login position. So before signing up Bitcoin based sites sometimes see their template first.

3.Have an invalid campaign

You've seen sites that say something like this "Deposit 0.005 BTC and get 0.1 BTC in just one day". If ever then be careful because that's the way Scammers generally use to deceive us. Remember that anything can not be obtained instantly so getting 0.1BTC with just a 0.005BTC deposit is highly unlikely.

4.Have proof of fake payment

Still associated with the above, generally a profitable promotion was coupled with the proof as well. And generally also proof of payment can also be seen and clicked to block the chain. One of the differences between legit and legit Bitcoin fund transfer is the green sign next to the transaction number, the proof of fraudulent payment is usually in the chain block marked Forward / Adjusted / or the Indonesian language preceded.

5.The existence of counterfeit Conter payment

Still related to the above, in addition to proof of fake payment generally scam sites also put counter payments generated their sites. Usually their counter will be loaded from the same number, for example in Computer A when it loads the site will say $ 1234 and will increase quickly to $ 1342, just as when the site is loaded in Computer B, the first time the entry counter will read $ 1234 changed rapidly to $ 1342. They used a random number system that changed over time of visit. If that's true then it's definitely a scam site.

6.Live Chat is seldom active

If the site has Live Chat you are trying to watch Live Chat either online or not. If the site is legit and not on holiday will automatically Live Chat Live. If not online 24 full hours at least every few hours Live Chat will be written Online. For Scam sites, the Live Chat menu is just a mere decoration to show that it's legit. If observed carefully maybe Live Chat is never online even though only one hour. If any site with these criteria do not expect you will be benefited.

7.The support team rarely answered

If we are having trouble or have a question then we will definitely ask the site admin, for legit site generally their Support Team will reply from a distance of 5 minutes to 5 hours. Although many have asked at least the Supporting Team will certainly answer even 12 hours. But for a scam site they will never answer your question.

The experience I have ever felt, back then in free Cloud Mining I had a sudden loss of funds so I asked their support team but until now they have never answered my question. Since then I have claimed the site was a scam.

8.Company email address is not clear

You have already sent tickets or inquiries to major sites like Telkom, Microsoft, Bhinneka, and others. Just look at their email address, surely there will be written their official email address from one of the teams in their company. For example alqisyan company has a main email for support team that is support@alqisyan.com, and when they answer your question, email will definitely turn into helpdesk@alqisyan.com and others.

For Scam sites generally official email will be written bitcoinmining@gmail.com or other free email. In addition, if they use emails with their own domain, generally they will only write support@xxx.com but when sending mail to email will be a mistake and if answered will have the same address.

Always remember that big companies will not be easy to give their email address, they definitely have a team that handles their expertise, they will only have one email to contact, but if they answer it will change according to our question, if this is a Sales / Sales Question will be answered sales team, if the technical system will be answered by their technicians.

9.Unclear business address

If the site is associated with Cloud Mining or who needs an office to operate then their address will be clear and can be visited. #### For example Hashflare / HashCoins is located in Tartu mnt 43 Tallinn 10128, Estonia and Genesis Mining in Chinachem Century Tower, 31 / F, 178 Gloucester Road, Wanchai Hong Kong. And when viewed on Google Maps will be listed their building.

For sites that are Scam, they must provide fake addresses that can be generated through fake ids for fear if they are targeted by the police and to cover their identities. And when viewed through Google Maps, their buildings / offices will never exist.

10.Always show evidence to their company's legality

If you've ever seen a site that has a document about the truth of the company then you have to be careful. Because the evidence can be in fake let alone just a picture. I've often found sites that always display documents about their company is a scam. Generally the document also exists on link sites similar to a country's interior ministry but once again the site is also a fake alias fake. Anyway where there are companies that want to show evidence of their company's establishment if not their shares to be taken.

The solution how if still confused

Always use the scam site checker service tool

There are many sites that provide services to check an ads or mining scam or not like www.scamvoid.com www.scamdetector.info www.scamadviser.com www.webutations.net, etc.

Nothing is free in this world

This slogan you should plant when visiting any site, especially about how to get rich quick "Nothing is free in this world". If you have ever visited a site that gives you the opportunity to earn money for free, avoid it because they will eventually ask for money and never come back again. Like Hash Ocean that gives you free Hash for Bitcoin Mining and look at this site has now been stamped Scam.

Anyway Bitcoin sites that want to give you free money (especially Cloud Mining) soon leave because it has a 70% chance of being a Scam.

So if you want to be rich then we have to contribute to realize our desires, like to get Bitcoin constantly then we have to buy the package Mining with own money and good at managing Bitcoin obtained up to 60% stored in Wallet and 40% proceed to increase Hash.

So hopefully useful.

Reference http://www.natapraja.com/2017/08/berikut-tips-cara-mengetahui-situs-scam.html?m=1





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