Bitcoin Knockers - Do you know one?

Sick of idiots and fools "talking shit" about Bitcoin?

There are different kinds of Dicks.... Are you a Dick?


There's a lot of people trying to market shady businesses by suggesting that Bitcoin's "glory days" are over.

Because the crypto market is unregulated, any fly-by-night wanna-be can jump right in, market their crap to the ignorant masses and proceed to scam vulnerable gold-diggers out of their hard-earned money.

The next greatest thing is often only great for the ones selling it and by the time the suckers start catching-on.... it's too late.

"Did you miss out on the Bitcoin phenomenon? Well don't worry. Buy this new alt-shit coin. It's 'the next Bitcoin' and guaranteed to make sexy women attracted to your beer flatulence."

"Yes! You can be the new cyber-punk and troll through Twitter using the F-word even more than Richard Heart!"

"Send me $69 of Bitcoin and I'll get you started for FREE!"

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"Bitcoin doesn't exist! It's something liberals invented out of thin air!"

Well - you can't argue with that. You're right, Dick. Bitcoin doesn't exist, but I pray that someday it does.

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"Bitcoin is in a bubble!"

Yes, the Bubble-Dick is here amungst us and existing like a cancer within our society.

You've been saying that since Bitcoin reached $3.00, Dick. Do you know what a bubble is? Is it going to pop? What's it going to pop-to, Mr. Bubble-boy?

Pop-away Bitcoin!

Maybe it will pop to $3. Do you know how many Bitcoins I could buy for $3? My god it would be the greatest day of my life!

I would set up "We Buy Bitcoin photo-mats all over my city! I would sell my scrotums! I'd sell everything! I'd sell my neighbor's house and pawn his car! I'd be the brokest damn trillionaire on the Planet! I wouldn't own ANYTHING at all.... except Bitcoin: Lots and lots and LOTS of Bitcoins for me, and none for you Dick!

We've had lots of bubbles: two recent ones in mid July and early September. Our little bubbles popped and released our spineless. A little bit of FUD and those with no nerve go running, but it's a good thing... It gets rid of the weeds and leaves us with long time holders and intelligent people who know what they're doing. They buy the dips and they ride out the storms. As time goes on the market gains more strength and the panicky weaklings go back to buying mutual funds.


Buying Bitcoin is not-yet for everyone and no one should suggest it is. Not everyone can grasp the concept of a digital age with a digital newspaper, digital schools, digital stores and a digital currency.

People need pictures of dead presidents printed on paper to make them feel secure. People need to put their trust in a government that shits all over them and has been shitting on their ancestors for centuries. They need blind faith and false hope in leaders who were appointed by idiots. They need "yesterday" because yesterday is what's real to them. That's what they can look at pictures of and lie to themselves about.

They simply lack vision and the ability to grasp the big picture. If they can't kick it and spit on it and see it with their eyes... it's not real and it doesn't matter. They're intellectually selfish and limited to their own literal, colorless reality.

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Unlike the endless supply of fiat currency, which they print at-will, depending on the value they want to manipulate it to..., there's an end to the supply of Bitcoins. 21-million coins will be mined and that - Dick, will be that.

At that fascinating point... I suspect the currency-value will stabilize and take on it's own spendable platform unrelated to other currencies.

If we must relate it to today's USD, the value should be at $100-million dollars or .00000001 = 1 beer. One Satoshi equals 1 dollar... Seven zeros and a 1.


"You're out of your mind!" screams Dick!

LOL No... It's actually conservative and in "digits and terms" that you might understand.

"When will 21 million Bitcoins be mined?" asks Dick.


"You won't even be here!" scream Dick!

None of the many thousands of people reading this will be here.

"Why are you so optimistic about this?" asks Dick.

Because it's a whole new system and it's a better system. We didn't take something broken and rebuild it or repair it. We built a whole new system and that's when true change takes place. That's when the old system is beat.

The government can't even create a series of laws that everyone can live by and that equally govern all of us. Laws are made and pushed on certain groups of people in an attempt to get some people pay for the luxuries of others who have more governmental control and influence. The guy with the most cash either gets a new law passed to make him more money or stops a new law from being passed so he can make more money.

These people are a bunch of incompetent, greedy, corrupt, power-hungry, old men who could ruin an old lady's bingo game and you want to give these clowns control over the value of your earned currency? They failed. We built a better system and they can't stop it.


The opportunities available to everyone today have never been known and it's hard for me to fathom that many are not taking advantage of them. What's even more bothersome is that fact that some of the people who need these opportunities the most are the very-people who've been knocking Bitcoin for the past 9 years.

I can only assume that they're programmed to fail, they're attracted to negativity and FUD, that hardship and pain has become so-much a part of "who and what" they are that financial success is mentally impossible for them.

The next generation will ask, "Why didn't everyone of last generation get in?" And I don't know how anyone is going to answer that. All of the information is freely available and shared by today's crypto-heads.

Bitcoin WILL Overtake Fiat Currency

The early days..... or "the Glory Days" of Bitcoin are...

...right Now!

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I am not here to say that Bitcoin is the proper investment for everyone. You should never own Bitcoin if you're a Dick.

Vote for me and I'll set you free!

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