The risks of using bitcoin for money laundering and terrorism are overestimated


347,000 reports of suspicious activity related to money laundering were received by the national police of Japan. Of these, only 669 (0.19% of the total) concerned the use of crypto-currency.

This figure almost does not differ from the global study of the Foundation for Democracy (FDD), Center on Sanctions and Illicit Finance (CSIF), which showed that for the period from 2013 to 2016, less than 1% of all bitcoin-transactions In three years, this percentage decreased from 1.07 to 0.61, which demonstrates the negative dynamics of using crypto currency for criminal purposes in the total number of transactions.
Despite the above figures, the crypto community continues to observe regulators' statements, in which the latter "lynch" the crypto currency, accusing it of collusion with terrorism, drugs and weapons.
This position at the January meeting in Basel (Switzerland) was jointly defended by Interpol and Europol. In the US, the House of Representatives proposed that Congress consider a separate law on combating money laundering by using crypto currency. And FinCEN (financial intelligence agency under the US Treasury) in 2013 explained in its explanation that the crypto-currency business is subject to financial monitoring.

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