Metastable Crypto Hedge Fund Has Returned 1000%+ For It's Investors...And Why It's Bullish For Bitcoin

If you look at the returns of some of the largest hedge funds in 2016, you will notice its a mixed bag in terms of performance.


We know the crytocurrency market is booming and this has resulted in massive gains for hedge funds such as Metastable which is a strictly cryptocurrency fund. Since 2014 it has returned +1000% to it's investors. Unfortunately you need a minimum of $1 Million to invest with them.

Metastable have set of a new trend of hedge funds seeking massive gains for their clients. Just recently 15 new hedge funds have just entered the cryptocurrency space. Just look at the article from Forbes below

crypto forbes article.PNG

Another 25 Hedge funds are seeking regulatory approval to start accepting crypto investments. This is gonna create massive influx of institutional money into the cryptocurrency space very soon.

Now is the time to get in as Big Money is taking notice.

Ever heard of Andreessen Horowitz and Sequoia Capital?

Well they are two of the most highly respected Private Equity / Venture Capital firms in Silicon Valley. They were the early backers of Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter. When these firms make investments, everyone should take notice.

The rumor is they are backing Metastable, which is a great indicator of their confidence in the cryptocurrency markets.

As this flood of money enters, Bitcoin price will rise. By how much is hard to say.

Some experts have predicted $50,000 per coin all the way up to $1,000,000.

Since Bitcoin is the reserve currency of the entire crypto's likely hedge funds will be buying Bitcoin first in order to purchase other crytocurrencies/tokens.

Right now Bitcoin is trading at $3200 a coin. It would be a good idea to get in now and ride this massive wave up.



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