Why You'll Never Succeed at Obamanomics


The Trump effect has been astounding. In my short life as an older millennial, the professional pessimists have finally been proven wrong.

It's a beautiful thing to finally see, as together we all "Make America Great Again." Firms are finally realizing that if you cannot hire an optimist, at least fire a couple of your pessimists.

The fact Trump uses Twitter, makes him relatable to the young and the clueless. Trump "Made America Great Again," virtually overnight. I think it's partly because we finally have the baby boomers in charge, and they're pretty smart. They are the last generation to remember what Trump is talking about.

The way Trump single handedly exposed the fake news industrial complex of the legacy media IMMEDIATELY, live on Twitter, was a whooping they had coming for a long, long, time. This is the single most revolutionary thing ANY President has EVER done. EVER!

CNN, and The New York Times have always been trash. They are toilet paper compared to Twitter. Even a kindergartener can tell you they are lying on CNN. We are all grateful to see the legacy media become the hunted. It's all propaganda, and supporters of The New York Times, shame on you. Don't you know they supported the erroneous invasions? It was obvious that we were invading the wrong countries, except to the evil people in the legacy media, who shamelessly went along with it. We have yet to bring the war criminals to trial! Those who erroneously led Americans to war must hang, in public.

Earlier I was chatting with a coworker who recently purchased his first boat. I asked him, how come Obama was too stupid to do any of the things Trump accomplished, even in his first 24 hours in office?

We had a fun chat, mostly about his boat. We came to a solid consensus though, on the Obama economy: Democrats lack testicles, because pretty much the only people that vote for them anymore, at this point, also lack testicles themselves. They are way too afraid to take risks. I'd have to think back to Dennis Kucinich to think of a single, even semi-respectable, Democrat. Compared to Ralph Nader, he is a nobody. All the good people have moved over to The Green Party, leaving Democrats with Kucinich, with an issue that resonates with almost no one: Veganism. Veganism and Gluten Free are the last two Democrat values standing, aside from bombing people.

Lacking testicles in their party precipitously dropped the Democrat's testosterone levels to the point where they are too afraid to take any risks, aside from bombing every nation to somehow prove they can be "war hawks," at least according to the legacy media scripts. All former war hawks must be brought to trial for war crimes.

I can't think of hardly any males that didn't vote for Trump, even on the West Coast! This could be because I'm working and male, and so most people I know are working and male. Though I doubt it's confirmation bias, because I'm more of a Green Party type of guy, who was a latecomer to the bandwagon. Trump came extremely close to winning Oregon, a state that once supported Ralph Nader! Trump's victory is a refreshing revolution. Don't believe the legacy media's lies designed into tricking you into going Democrat. To me, it means Democrats are goners. I'm not voting for them anymore. I refuse. They have never achieved anything. It also means that some of the most liberal people, Green Oregonions, are actively hunting down the Democrats. I definitely am in that rank. Democrats are evil misandrist freeloaders, who have no problem bombing other nations. We must get rid of Democrats to merely survive. It's truly a life or death issue. There is no way we are letting Democrats back in without a fight. Democrats, mark my words, we will do everything in our power to make sure that you NEVER have control over any human population ever again...and you lack testicles.

Females have occupied the Democrats, leading to low testosterone in the Donkey party. For example, have you ever noticed that whenever a female dominated society is depicted in Hollywood blockbusters, say Wonder Woman for example, everyone is portrayed as a dullard heathen living in a primitive and violent society. The reason for this is that females are generally staunchly anti-innovation, risk, or anything that amounts to having to skin in the game. This means there are no technological breakthroughs, even modest advances, or peace. Female society is unlikely to move past an agrarian level, let alone hunter gatherer level zero. Moving up, or forward, requires testosterone. If you look at the people at the top, they have the most skin in the game. By the very nature of the risk, testicles are a prerequisite. If you don't have them, you will fail to take the risks necessary to succeed.

This is why females missed the first wave of Bitcoin value, with 97% of bitcoin currency, currently being held by males in good old timey 2018. Let's not pretend nothing is stopping females from getting into Bitcoin, because in doing so we are failing to acknowledge the shear amount of testicles it took to get to this point.

While Bitcoin has been criticized for being 97 percent male, to me, it only makes it that much stronger. It's more likely that Bitcoin's value will drop if more females join, so the fact that most women haven't heard of it, is helping keep it from becoming over regulated, and less utilized. Security, rather than risk, is what females want, so badly they, along with the Democrat Party, will aerially bombard Libya and forget it ever happened. I guarantee you that no one in Libya forgets about the evil conceited Democrats. My good friend in Texas, always calls the Democrats, the Demon Rats. I challenge any, and every single Democrat. To me, you are a war enemy.

I guess we could close the gender gap, and destroy the economy, or we could "Make America Great Again." I say let's "Make America Great Again!" Rather than calling it a Gender "Gap," let's call it the Gender Moat. This moat is basically the buffer, to move mankind into the "great zone," which is definitely the peaceful direction. After Trump took office, it became immediately evident that what Obama was doing was totally wrong. Obamanomics is a goner, and take away his erroneous "Nobel Peace Prize," and bring him to trial for war crimes in Libya. Democrats are phonies.

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