Today's pizza give you Lambo tomorrow. Why Cryptocurrencies are not a threat to Fiats yet?

90% of people in crypto right now is only here for investment purposes. They are hoping for easy buck as a return from their investments. Everyone is shilling about superior payment uses of crypto for goods or services. However none will ever do it on everyday basis as long as cryptomarket is volatile as it is today. None will ever use a cryptocurrency of which 1unit gives you a pepperoni pizza today but you might get a new car for it tomorrow.

  • Compare it to fiat - pizza today cost you 20$ and a car 20k$. No matter what happens, tomorrow, next month and often next year you still get your pepperoni for 20$. (ignore inflation which is fractal here). That consistency keep people constrained to fiats. Expecting your 2k$ salary this month and you expect your pizzas. Sad but true, with your 0.5BTC salary today you might buy a Porsche, tomorrow you might only buy a Porsche's poster.
  • I'm a fan of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies but in the same time technology is facing serious common use problems. What bother me most is the fact people don't care about crypto-technology or blockchain, they just want to have 1000% revenue of their investments 'because it is only going up and it's easy dolla'. That's why we see so much shilling and posting recently, People warmly supporting their investments. From time to time someone posts his 'great' purchase of new headphones using crypto but in the same time he might over-paying or under-paying.
  • Governments of many countries will never allow for such wild-west in finances. Not only because it bypass completely their control/budgets but also because people in general are irresponsible and stupid. To prevent mass bankrupcy and financial frauds they want to tame it somehow, They simple don't know how to do it yet. But imagine if any trades using with crypto were simply banned in your country. Will you ever use it and be under law conviction? Will your leave your country to place where it's legal (e.g. Venezuela, Somalia or any country with non-stable political and unreliable authorities)? I really doubt it.

Be honest guys, and face it.

TL;DR Cryptocurrencies are too volatile now to find its real purpose in our lives. People put their fiats in it only because they are greedy.

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