Crypto:bitcoin:crypto currency:legal:Battle of 2 different perspective.

If you have been following my post then you will find that I have been the consistent promoter of technology behind crypto currency and its potential. I couldn’t hold my self today to get into a heated discussion with my friend when he said
“That crypto and its hipe is all bogus game and it will end soon”


I mean whaaatttttttt????? R even living in 21st????? -In my mind but had no heart to say it to him upfront. I decided to stand silent and let him speak out what ever information he poses in the matter.

1-crypto currency has no intrinsic value and it is illegal.
2-some of the counties have banned it and Indian government will never approve it.
3-this is all cheap ways to money laundering


1-In more practical sense the value of a currency is define by its acceptability, applications and ease in trades. In a similar sense a transaction will be called a legal or i say a valid transaction in (computer language) only if I am successfully able to spend a 100rs note/1btc etc at a coffeehouse in trade of a coffee. when crypto is secured by it enormous computing power ,paper currency can be duplicated. Hope you understand now who defines what is legal and what is illegally.

2-magic is that this whole shit works on internet. So if Mr Modi decides to declare a war against crypto then they would only be able to regulate it not stop it all together. Y do you think an intelligent Indian businessman would launch its own crypto currency when Indian government so wish to ban it. Think think?????

3- paper currency have Been involved in many illegal trades but have u ever though about stop using it all together. Crypto industry is in its very immature stage. Alert!!!! We can debug a program and can make it secure. For your info there are companies working in the directions to solve this money laundering issue(debug).

Please share your view about the conversation. I have tried to present it in a more conclusive way. My channel brings out interesting conversations and talks about crypto currency and how people in different geographical location understand it.

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