Transaction commissions in the bitcoin network reached an absolute historical minimum

The commissions in the bitcoin network fell to an absolute historical minimum, reaching values ​​less than one satosh per byte. Thus, the transaction can be done with a commission of less than ten cents (about 100 satosh).

At the same time, the bitcoin memo is almost empty for several weeks already - today it is about 5 MB, and the number of unconfirmed transactions is about 7,000.

The general reduction in the size of commissions on the network is also facilitated by a process such as batching - the grouping of transactions into one. This method uses a number of companies and services, and today the platform for instant exchange of ShapeShift crypto currency has joined their list.

As noted in the company's blog, ShapeShift accounts for about 2% of the market, and the number of daily processed transactions is about 10 thousand.

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