Day 0 LearnEarnCryptos with me. Don't Miss 2018 Crypto Mass Adoption. Start with $250, $500 or less. Day by day, I'll hold your hand.

Day 0 - Jan 1, 2018 Start to LearnEarn Cryptos with me. Free mentoring session.

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Regardless of your current situation, or how much "loose change" you have, I invite you to work together with me to watch how I put my money to work in 2018, and to form a community of micro-investors, exchanging ideas, learning and riding the Cryptocurrency Wave in 2018 and beyond.

My name is Mark, I work at a computer company, explaining complicated tech stuff to people, and I've been dabbling with cryptos since 2014. About a year ago, I had $6600 of unexpected money, and, rather than park it in a bank account, I invested it in a few leading cryptocurrencies, such as Ethereum, Litecoin and Bitcoin. I'm pleased to report that I've taken out my principle three times, and still have well over $25,000 working for me in the space.

For me this process has been life changing, and it has given me freedom to have time and to make choices without some of the background financial pressure of everyday life.

This holiday season, I gave my children, siblings, nieces and nephews a generous gift of cryptocurrencies. You see, I saw this kind of excitement in the mid 90's with the Internet, and I realized a kind of secret. Ready? It is easier to show someone how to email (type, press Send) than it is to explain it to them. As you know also, Timing is Important and Early is Best.

This whole Bitcoin business works the same as email. It is way easier to help someone get started with Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies by sitting with them for 10 minutes, showing them how a wallet works, and let them see, on their computer screen, every day, over and over, how their money grows. Even if $50 turns into $54 in a week - when was the last time your money grew AT ALL in a bank?? Let alone earned 8% in a week.

I've set up two hypothetical investment portfolios that I'm using, one for $250 and the other for $500 in late December 2017. These are based on my experience and study and results since 2014. I'm staying away from complicated, anyone can do this. (If you've met many of my relatives, youknow I need to keep things really simple.)

You can watch me and maybe do the same. I'm not going to be day trading or getting technical at all. Like I showed my family, I just want to take my experience and pay it forward with you, to give you an entrance, a glimpse into, what I believe will be, the greatest wealth transfer of all time, from paper currency into digital currency. 2018 is like the early days of the Internet - this time, the Internet of Money. There is no cost, I'm not selling anything. (Full disclosure, I did consolidate my instruction notes to family into a book, BuyingBitcoin on Amazon for $4.50.

(The book is short, easy to read, and it will give you some added background and tips, but I'll share what I know with you here)

From outside, in the conventional (Matrix) world of banking, the Bitcoin, cryptocurrency marketplace looks like a foolish gold rush. How can profits of 1200% or 2500% be sustainable? Banks can hardly muster up 1% returns.

The answer is that they won't last forever, but there is an opportunity at the beginning of this Internet of Money to prosper. AND, being a member of platforms like Steemit, YouTube and Reddit suddenly gives you an advantage - these spaces are outside the view and comprehension of "traditional" financial markets, so we've been able to understand Internet Money easier than folks outside this space. You and me have a unique opportunity here, starting in 2018, to lay the groundwork for exponential growth, just like Google, Facebook and eBay planted their business roots in the early days of the Internet; outsiders and investors are coming this year and bringing their money into this previously hidden world of cryptocurrencies.

So, here is step 1 in the process of my setting up - Register with an Exchange. Coinbase is the largest exchange (putting in dollars, and transforming them to cryptocurrency). I got FREE $10 by using this link, you can too:

You put in your info, address, etc. Then, link it to a credit card or bank account. If you want to do this along with me, buy $250 or $500 of Litecoin, which is currently trading at a bargain price under $260 (so you'll get around 1 or 2 Litecoin total). If you have more, perfect! Just use a multiple of this. If you have less, even $25 or $50, that works too. The important part is to begin.

That's it for step one.

Step 2 - Download and install a wallet. I suggest using a wallet called Exodus. Download it for your computer at Exodus is easy to use, and a cool, visual feature is that you can watch the value of your cryptocurrencies in real time. We'll get there. For now...

Recap -

  1. Register with coinbase using this link:
    (you'll get FREE $10 with a $100 purchase. If you can, purchase either $250 or $500 of Litecoin. The price today is below market, so it is a great place for us to begin.

  2. Download Exodus wallet at

Check back with me on January 1, and I'll show you my next thoughts on the journey ahead. I'm excited about doing great things in 2018!!

I look forward to showing you, my Steemit family, along with my family, how I'm putting my money to work in the cryptocurrency marketplace for 2018.

(** disclaimer - I am not giving financial advice, just showing sample wallets that I am using to hold and benefit from possible cryptocurrency increases. Use this for your own entertainment. I cannot predict future prices, profit or losses **)

Happy new year! Mark

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