Bitcoin and Dogecoin aren't tied to each other

I always here about the #Bitcoin indexing of #Dogecoin. I laugh as I hear people speak of this.
It's like saying if #Pepsi stock price rises #Coca-Cola price must rise. It's completely nonsense from people who know little about markets.
Let's look at these charts to confirm my line of thinking. Perhaps I can persuade you to the correct line of reasoning.
This is a recent chart of #bitcoin a big drop oh my!

Now let's compare what's happening with #Dogecoin

Wow a impressive gain in comparison to #Bitcoins newest drop. Are they tied together? Possibly a little but I believe a person must judge each and every cryptocurreny as a separate market.

Don't forget to enter the #Dimecoin giveaway only a few days left to make yourself eligible for the prize of 7000 #Dimecoin.

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