Get Round The Banks Credit Card Ban On Crypto

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The banks may be banning using credit cards to buy crypto currencies but there is a fairly simple solution to this problem!

You will realistically need a 2nd bank/credit union account so if you don't have one open one quite possibly online and if you do have a second account then you need to open another paypal account attached to that bank. So total you need 2 paypal accounts. You use the credit card to 'buy' a service from your other paypal account at however much money you want to get out of it and then simply send that money to your bank account and use the debit card on the funded bank account to load up on crypto currencies!! Simple.

I am not suggesting anyone actually does this as borrowing money on a credit card to invest is risky. It is for informational purposes only and just a sock in the eye for these credit card companies thinking they can dictate how you decide to use your credit.

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