5 Reasons not to invest in Crypto - Crypto Crepes Daily Blog Post #1

Image source: freedomnode.com

  1. Too volatile – going from afternoon tea at the Ritz to choosing your dinner on the McDonald’s Value meals to Champagne Showers with Dom Perignon might be too much of a roller coaster for most. Plus who wants to drive a lambo in this traffic anyways?

  2. It is a bubble – the JP Morgan CEO said ‘Bitcoin is a fraud’ late 2017, so what other proof do you need? We all know Wall Street Bankers have the best interest of the small investors in mind always. But wait he also said he ‘regretted’ his comments early 2018 and his traders are heavily exposed to cryptocurrencies, hmmm now I am confused. ​

  3. Bitcoin has no value – this is a no brainer comparing with something like USD which has no limit in supply (Quantitative Easing), could represent more gold than there physically are in reserve and cannot be traced making it truly anonymous.

  4. Used for illegal activities – with its’ public ledger design and the ability to conduct cheap / quick international transfers, no wonder the criminals are starting to deal in Bitcoin and not the traditional USD. ​

  5. Unregulated space – without the support of governments who’s going to do the bailout during financial crisis? Who needs self-regulation by the mass when everything can be controlled by a few intelligent selfless individuals who’s only compensation is a huge bonus and useless luxurious items?

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