27 Famous Cryptocurrency and Bitcoin Investors in 2018

Famous cryptocurrency and bitcoin investors can range from billionaires like Bill Gates, famous athletes, musicians filmstars...

The main idea is that they are invested in bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies, willing to accept cryptocurrency as payment, and openly advocating bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies.

Here is the list:
1.Ashton Kutcher
Ashton Kutcher are invested in a sports betting blockchain, UnikoinGold, along with billionaire, Mark Cuban. He is a very outspoken supporter of bitcoin.

2.Mark Cuban
Mark's rule for investing into bitcoin or crypto 2017: You should invest in bitcoin and crypto if you have money to spare...

3.Bill Gates
Bill Gates has said in an interview that bitcoin is more convenient for larger transactions, because currency can get pretty inconvenient. And also you don't need to be at a specific location to transact with Bitcoin.

4.Richard Branson
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I think Richard Branson has been advocating Bitcoin with so much passion, it's clear that he is all for bitcoin. He reportedly has $30 million invested in Bitpay as well.

5.Roseanne Barr
Roseanne has been a bitcoin supporter as from 2013. She tweeted: '..slavery in all forms is now illegal-including debt slavery. #BITCOIN.' As she is Jewish: always see where the Jewish enter and invest first, or exit first.

6.Mike Tyson
In 2016 Mike Tyson launched a bitcoin wallet in partnership with Bitcoin Direct.

7.Paris Hilton
In 2017 Paris tweeted her excitement and participation with the @LydianCoinLtd Token.

8.Gwyneth Paltrow
In 2017, Gwyneth Paltrow during an episode of the series Planet of the Apps, joined the Bitcoin wallet startup Abra as an advisor .

9.Snoop Dogg
As far back as 2013 Snoop Dogg already tweeted his music could be purchased with Bitcoin.

10.Drew Carey
Drew Carey got involved with Bitcoin as early as 2013, tweeting: 'Just tried to buy breakfast w bitcoins. Refused.'

11.Jamie Foxx
In 2017 Jamie Fox tweeted regarding the Cobinhood exchange: 'Looking forward to participating in the new @cobinhood Token! ZERO fee trading.'

12.Melanie Brown
In 2013 Melanie Brown accepted Bitcoin payments for her new single. She tweeted: 'I love how new technology makes our lives easier, and to me that’s exciting. Bitcoin unites my fans around the world using one currency. They can just pay using bitcoins.'

13.Floyd Mayweather Jr.
Floyd promoted ICOs like Stox, Hubii Network, Centra. In 2017, he tweeted: 'Spending bitcoins ethereum and other types of cryptocurrency in Beverly Hill.'

14.Luis Suárez
Like Floyd, Luis supports Stox.

15.Donald Glover
In 2013 Donald stated: 'I know a lot of people are skeptical, but I feel like if everything’s going to live online, why not bitcoins? Being backed by gold seems very old and nostalgic to me. Being backed to a bitcoin, which takes time to actually make and there’s this equation that has to be done, that feels realer to me and makes more sense.'

16.Joe Rogan
In 2013 on Reddit, Joe Rogan was asked his thoughts on Bitcoin. He said: 'I've sort of been sitting back watching it from a distance and waiting to see if it takes root. If it does, I honestly think it could really shake up the global economy. Obviously we can see from our own controversial bailouts, and the shit that's going down in Cyprus that the system that's in place right now is massively flawed and being managed by f*cking criminals. I'll look further into bitcoin. Lord knows we could use some new options.'

17.Nargis Fakhri
In 2017 Nargis encouraged her followers to join her in the Bitcoin revolution.

18.DJ Khaled
In 2017 DJ Khaled wrote on Instagram that he received his Titanium Centra debit card. 'The Centra Card & Centra Wallet app is the ultimate winner in Cryptocurrency debit cards powered by CTR tokens.'

19.Chad Johnson
Chad voiced his interest in Bitcoin as far back as 2014.

Nas said in 2014: 'Bitcoin will evolve into an industry as big, if not bigger, than the Internet. My man Ben Horowitz really opened my eyes to that point. This isn't of the Internet age, bitcoin is its own age.'

21.The Game
In 2017, The Game joined Paragon to encourage the use of cryptocurrency to buy cannabis.

22.Jessica VerSteeg
Jessica founded the cannabis services block chain, ParagonCoin.

23.Richard Sherman
Using Bitcoin as payment method on his website for merchandise, Richard said in 2007: said in 2007: 'The bitcoin stuff is really interesting. We got in it really early, and it’s so volatile. But it’s been fantastic. So just seeing how different things are coming off of that, different companies are merging, and branching off, and … it’s pretty cool stuff.'

In 2017 Bjork accepted Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dashcoin, and AudioCoin as payments for her albums.

25.Ghostface Killah
Ghostface Killah co-founded the cryptocurrency company Cream Capital 2017.

26.Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss
In 2017, Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss may have become the first Bitcoin billionaires. They have purchased $11 million worth of bitcoin in 2013, and the value has increased significantly since then.

To me the moral of the story is that Bitcoin is a famous star to us all. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are not only for the rich and the famous, but also for the poor and the everyday person in the street.
By buying 0.001 BTC, or by making any small investment into cryptocurrency, every person can begin to build wealth, it is not for the rich only, but for everyone!!! How stunning is that!!!

Let me know your thoughts!!!

Cheers friends!!!!

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