Move Over, Bitcoin. Ether Is the Digital Currency of the Moment.

 The  price of Bitcoin has hit record highs in recent months, more than  doubling in price since the start of the year. Despite these gains,  Bitcoin is on the verge of losing its position as the dominant virtual  currency.The  value of Ether, the digital money that lives on an upstart network  known as Ethereum, has risen an eye-popping 4,500 percent since the  beginning of the year.With  the recent price increases, the outstanding units of the Ether currency  were worth around $34 billion as of Monday — or 82 percent as much as  all the Bitcoin in existence. At the beginning of the year, Ether was  only about 5 percent as valuable as Bitcoin.The  sudden rise of Ethereum highlights how volatile the bewildering world  of virtual currency remains, where lines of computer code can be spun  into billions of dollars in a matter of months. Continue reading the main story      

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Kyle Pitts

6 hours ago  (ETH)ereum should not be exploited as a  "currency." NYT's missed a great opportunity here to explain what it  actually does for...    

concerned american

1 day ago  Decentralized networks and applications are the  future, regardless. See bittorrent and how the pirqcy community took  over the web in the...    


1 day ago  Now is the best time to mining Ethereum. Genesis  mining is real company that offers fair mining of Ethereum, Bitcoin,  Dash, Monero, Zcash...     

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ADVERTISEMENT Continue reading the main story      Bitcoin,  the breakout digital currency, is also hitting new highs — one Bitcoin  was worth $2,600 on Monday. But the Bitcoin community has struggled with  technical issues and bitter internal divisions among its biggest supporters. It has also been tainted by its association with online drug sales and hackers demanding ransom. Against  this backdrop, Ether has been gaining steam. The two-year old system  has picked up backing from both tech geeks and big corporate names like  JPMorgan Chase and Microsoft, which are excited about Ethereum’s goal of  providing not only a digital currency but also a new type of global  computing network, which generally requires Ether to use.In a recent survey  of 1,100 virtual currency users, 94 percent were positive about the  state of Ethereum, while only 49 percent were positive about Bitcoin,  the industry publication CoinDesk said this month.If  recent trends continue, the value of Ethereum’s virtual currency could  race past Bitcoin’s in the coming weeks. Virtual currency fanatics are  monitoring the value of each and waiting for the two currencies to  switch place, a moment that has been called “the flippening.”“The  momentum has shifted to Ethereum — there is no doubt about that,” said  William Mougayar, the founder of Virtual Capital Ventures, which invests  in a variety of virtual currencies and start-ups. “There is almost  nothing you can do with Bitcoin that you can’t do with Ethereum.” Continue reading the main story    

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Photo       Racks of machines at a server farm mining Bitcoins and Ether in Guizhou, China, last June.  Credit             Gilles Sabrié for The New York Time          

 Even  though most of the people buying Ether and Bitcoin are individual  investors, the gains that both have experienced have taken what was  until very recently a quirky fringe experiment into the realm of big  money. The combined value of all Ether and Bitcoin is now worth more  than the market value of PayPal and is approaching the size of Goldman  Sachs.Investors  buying Ether are placing a bet that people will want to use the  Ethereum network’s computing capabilities and will need the currency to  do so. But that is far from a sure thing. And real-world use of the  network is still scant.Bitcoin, on the other hand, has made inroads into mainstream commerce, with companies like and Expedia accepting Bitcoin for purchases, along with the black-market operators who use the currency.The  fact that there are fewer real-world uses for Ethereum has many market  experts expecting a crash similar to the ones that have followed  previous run-ups in the price of Bitcoin and other virtual currencies.  Even during recent pullbacks, though, the value of Ether has generally  continued to gain on Bitcoin in relative terms. Ethereum was launched in the middle of 2015 by a 21-year-old college dropout, Vitalik Buterin, who was born in Russia and raised in Canada. He now lists his residence, jokingly, as Cathay Pacific Airlines because of his travel schedule.The  Ether he holds has made him a millionaire many times over, but he has  generally avoided commenting on the price increase in Ether. 

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Mr.  Buterin was inspired by Bitcoin, and the software he built shares some  of the same basic qualities. Both are hosted and maintained by the  computers of volunteers around the world, who are rewarded for their  participation with the new digital tokens that are released onto the  network each day.Because  the virtual currencies are tracked and maintained by a network of  computers, no government or company is in charge. The prices of both  Bitcoin and Ether are established on private exchanges, where people can  sell the tokens they own at the going market price.But  Ethereum was designed to do much more than just serve as a digital  money. The network of computers hooked into Ethereum can be harnessed to  do computational work, essentially making it possible to run computer  programs on the network, or what are referred to as decentralized  applications, or Dapps. This has led to an enormous community of  programmers working on the software.One  of the first applications to take off was a user-led venture capital  fund of sorts, known as the Decentralized Autonomous Organization. After  raising over $150 million last summer, the project crashed and burned, and appeared ready to take Ethereum with it.

Photo       Ethereum was launched in 2015 by Vitalik Buterin, a 21-year-old college dropout who was born in Russia and raised in Canada.  Credit             John Phillips/Getty Images          

But  the way that Mr. Buterin and other developers dealt with the problems,  returning the hacked Ether to users, won him the respect of many in the  corporate world.“It  was good to see that there is governance on Ethereum and that they can  fix issues in a timely manner if they have to,” said Eric Piscini, who  leads the team looking into virtual currency technology at the  consulting firm Deloitte.Many  applications being built on Ethereum are also raising money using the  Ether currency, in what are known as initial coin offerings, a play on  initial public offerings. Start-ups  that have followed this path have generally collected Ether from  investors and exchanged them for units of their own specialized virtual  currency, leaving the entrepreneurs with the Ether to convert into  dollars and spend on operational expenses.These  coin offerings, which have proliferated in recent months, have created a  surge of demand for the Ether currency. Just last week, investors sent  $150 million worth of Ether to a start-up, Bancor, that wants to make it  easier to launch virtual currencies. If projects like Bancor stumble,  Ether could as well.Several big companies have also been building programs on top of Ethereum, including the mining company BHP Billiton, which has built a trial program to track its raw materials, and JPMorgan, which is working on a system to monitor trading.Over the last few months, over 100 companies have joined the nonprofit Enterprise Ethereum Alliance, including global names like Toyota, Merck and Samsung, to build tools that will make Ethereum useful in corporate settings.Many  of the companies using Ethereum are building their own private versions  of the software, which won’t make use of the Ether currency.  Speculators are betting that these companies will eventually plug their  software into the broader Ethereum network. There  is, though, also the possibility that none of these big trials come to  fruition, and the current excitement fizzles out, as has happened many  times in the past with Bitcoin after big price surges.“I  hope this is the year where we start to close the gap between the  speculative value and the actual value,” Mr. Mougayar said. “There is a  lot at stake right now.” 

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