One investors outlook: Penny rolls up her sleeves and talks shop about Bitcoin and Steem July 12 2017

First, I want to show you this chart I snagged for Bitcoin today, if your not drooling in anticipation your not paying attention.


Now in my trading hey day I was certainly a candlestick trader, I have spent days pouring over three minute candle charts, years trying to understand the locked in mailable meaning of the sticks. Sometimes in flashes of insight that momentarily justify the cost of my education it all becomes clear. This is rare and worth noting when it occurs. Looking at this chart I get that giddy feeling that accompanies a perfect entry into the market floor. Mama lioness bringing home a gazelle kinda feelings. If your in crypto this volatility is that starter pistol that signals you off the line, getting here has been hard fought, I know. The truth is we are the blessed few playing in this global Anarchy we call a monetary system and holy friggity crap is it awesome just to have blood in the ring. Don't be swayed my friends dig in and let's push this scrum over the line the way only crypto traders know how, look at that chart and tell me you don't want bitcoin right now! I refuse to give advice on investment, do your research before stepping into this amazing field. As for me, I can't move worthless Fiat's into Bitcoin fast enough before this chart pops off.
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Now, as for the steem chart its lookin exactly like you want it too, all kindsa buy potential before we get back to two dollars and investigate for yourself but this girl is not ending up on the other side of two kicking herself for not buying more steem again. Not this time! I feel there is room for mild hesitation but not much.
Again you do your research but this girls money is in all the way on steem. My position is a heavy buy for steem and bitcoin. Again this is my opinion and should not be looked at as advice. I am still at buy on steem into 5.00 and right now I'm in a buy position on bitcoin. Get out there and get your dinner traders, its time. Love to you all!!
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