Earn tokens PDATA by selling your personal data on Opiria platform


Today each of us generates vast amounts of information by registering on websites, uploading photos and videos to social networks, ordering various goods and services on the Internet. These data contain general information about us (age, location, sex), about our personality (interests, attitudes, and opinions) and our purchases. In the arrays of all these data, literally every our action and every step are preserved, forming our "second self" on the Internet.

Unfortunately, many of us have a very illusory idea of ​​how much information belongs to companies such as Google, Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Uber, Yandex and hundreds of other technological companies. They earn billions because they know a lot about us just "pulling" information from their social networks and services. We submit to provide this information to giant corporations which use our data for development of own business, or sale to clients, and we don't receive from this not a single cent.


The market of information as you have already understood is quickly growing sector. All personal data became currency for the companies which collect information on us and then sells without our participation.
I would like to note that the existing system of data collection is opaque and unregulated. The companies can't gather sufficient enough amount of data for the achievement of the research purposes. It leads to essential losses because of the wrong data collection. We on simple example will consider how inefficiently works existing system of data collection.

Each of us most likely repeatedly faced obtrusive telephone surveys. We hear the standard learned words: "Hello, you are welcomed by the company (then follows its name). We conduct telephone surveys on the topic: "What newspapers and magazines do you read? What programs do you watch on TV? Which shops do you visit most often? Do you agree to answer our questions?".
When I pick up the phone, I always answer that I do not participate in telephone surveys. It is connected first of all with the fact that employees of the call center take away my free time or distract me from work, and besides, in most cases the stated five minutes of the survey usually turn into a 20-minute conversation with monotonous reading of questions.
However, there was a wish to note that if I were suggested to be answered questions not for free of charge, and for reward, then I would gladly spend a few minutes of free time and provided the marketing company with all the answers.


To combine companies with their customers, Opiria developers have created an ecosystem that allows both parties to interact directly. The creators of the Opiria platform want to change the situation and provide users with everything they need to monetize their personal information.
Opiria plans to create the world's largest decentralized market for safe, fair and transparent trade in personal data. The companies can acquire personal data directly from consumers, compensating them by PDATA tokens. First of all, the project opens ample opportunities for the large enterprises, private institutions, and research groups.

The companies which will conduct surveys on the Opiria platform will be able quickly and just to obtain more concrete and qualitative personal data that will lead to considerable new marketing researchers and also solutions in the development of innovative products and services. In other words, it will guarantee 100% result of the obtained information from the most target audience.

Opiria-Platform creates the completely transparent, safe and open market which allows and provides the following:

  • Consumers can control with whom they share concrete personal data;
  • Consumers receive appropriate compensation in tokens PDATA for providing personal data to the companies;
  • Personal data arrive directly from consumers to the companies without the participation of intermediaries.
  • Companies will receive more specific and accurate data.

Unlike most companies that do not sell anything but an idea, Opiria already has a finished product and is used by dozens of companies whose list includes recognizable names such as Audi, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen, General Motors, Nissan, Intel, Procter & Gamble, Freightliner and many others.

Снимок экрана 2018-04-30 в 22.05.09.png

The Mercedes-Benz Research company already used Opiria platform for tracking and understanding of how their clients Mercedes-Benz use the new application Mercedes me which allowing clients remotely to manage different functions of the car, for example, remotely to start the engine. Researchers took place two weeks, during which the Mercedes-Benz company received daily feedback in the form of comments, images or videos about the use of the application. The correct changes and adjustments allowed Mercedes to integrate new functions necessary for clients.

You can become a part of the platform, for this purpose, it is enough to load the Opiria mobile application which is safest, quickly, user-friendly and favorable from the material point of view. The app is available to each user of Apple or Android.
The token PDATA will be used for compensation to consumers of granting personal data to the companies through the decentralized global market for safe trade in personal data.
Ticker: PDATA
Token type: ERC20
ICO Token Price: 1 PDATA = 0.1000 USD
Fundraising Goal: 30,000,000 USD
Total Tokens: 750,000,000
Available for Token Sale: 60%

Learn more about PDATA:
Website ICO - https://opiria.io/
Website Opiria platform - https://www.opiria.com/

Whitepaper - https://opiria.io/static/docs/Opiria-PDATA-Whitepaper.pdf

BitcoinTalk ANN - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3076122.0

BitcoinTalk Bounty - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3081090
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/pdatatoken/

Twitter - https://twitter.com/PDATA_Token

Telegram - https://t.me/pdatatoken

Medium - https://medium.com/pdata-token

Reddit - https://www.reddit.com/r/PDATA/

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