El Petro Bank


El Petro - the national Venezuelan cryptocurrency, which collected $ 3.3 billion on a presale, received an "advertisement" from Donald Trump and inflated expectations about its application, pleased us with great news.

It appeared to know that there will be opened a separate bank to work with the cryptocurrency El Petro.
At the moment, it is stated that the capital of the bank will consist of 20,000,000 El Petro coins ($ 1.2 billion), and the bank will be able to attract youth as potential clients.

Despite all the ambiguity of the coin and the negativity about it in the international information space (for example, US sanctions and false news about the interaction between states with the help of El Petro), this is noteworthy news: with the creation of the bank this cryptocurrency will be more convenient to use. Perhaps, very soon you will be able to pay with it at any store over there.

The government of Venezuela did not stop with the news about the establishment of the bank: it is planned to create a mining farm in each future at each university, which will also positively affect the development and strengthening of the national cryptocurrency.

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