Hello Fellow Steamians...

This write up will discuss the Value and Freedom Potential that CryptoCurrency Gives HUMANITY.


The main pros that cryptocurrency poses to Humans is

  • Central Bank Freedom
  • Free markets
  • Innovation of all sorts
  • Possible Tax Freedom from extortionists (Government)


This is the one greatest reason Why Cryptocurrencies give humanity true freedom. Basically if you do your monetary history you will find that Central bankers will try and establish a central bank under their control for the country and countrymen. Quite successfully I might add.

They in Turn control the currency supply and Interest rates. Controlling Interest rates means you control the cost of borrowing and RISK. Most people don't realize the reason they get paid an interest rate at the bank is because when you deposit your money you become a depositer...This means bank owes you the specified amount.

When you are a depositer you get an interest rate. The reason is you are actually lending the bank your wealth and get paid a risk fee for doing so (interest rate). They in turn are creating credit and investing it in the markets gaining much more in return then the interest rate you are getting. Today you get paid very little for lending your money to what i consider RISKY instituitions.

Cryptos offer Humanity a way out of the central bankers thumb. Just like the banks...blockchains are a digital ledger that can be programmed to do whatever it is intended to do. In the case of banking It will prevent unlimited credit creation, fraud, counterfeiting and in some cases TAXES.

Before Blockchain... there was no way for a the average Human to store wealth outside the banking system except for precious metals. It offers Humanity instant transfer of funds without government or bank regulations getting in the way... at least for now.



It makes me laugh when people say we have "FREE MARKETS". It couldn't be further from the truth. Let's use gold as an example.

So over at the Crimex(comex) they basically have control of the what the price of gold is per troy oz. That's fine and dandy and all but what happens when an Entity like the Crimex does what banks do on a day to day bases.

What i'm talking about is literally making PAPER GOLD OUT OF THIN AIR. You see at this moment the gold price is subject to supply and demand just like a free market should be. What happens when the same Entity makes a fake paper supply of gold? You suppress price... plain and simple.

The situation at the Crimex is basically fractional reserve lending but with gold. For everyone 1 troy oz of gold bullion...They literally have over 500 fake paper promised ounces sold to clients for every 1 ounce of gold bullion they have on hand.

That means there is a 500+ promised paper ounces to every 1 troy ounce of gold Bullion. This is how they make up the price of gold bullion. Spot price + premium. What controls spot price is the Supply of gold.

When you make up bogus promises to over 500 clients based on 1 ounce of gold...There is a free market problem. Since supply includes PAPER GOLD the price we see today does not truly reflect it's value.

If there is a bogus supply...then the supply side of things have been manipulated. And the investors who trust and think they will get deliverable gold from the crimex if all hell breaks lose are simply Mislead. They will become a victim of fraud, misrepresentation and will be settle via "FORCE MAJEUR" (settled in fiat cash). At a time when investors will be seeking wealth preservation and not a dieing Fiat Currency.

Blockchain can prevent this sort of thing from happening simply because anyone can look up transactions, supply cannot be made out of thin air unless the rules on that particular blockchain have changed. It is way more trustful then some central authority saying " ALL IS GOOD HOMIES"

China is actually using blockchain for supply management. This utilization of blockchain can be used in many aspects of the markets to make them truly free from manipulation.

I'm sure someone will say the whales manipulate to BTC market and all that jazz. In all Honesty these people are just placing blame, and not actually looking at social mood or factual information on fractal market movements.

It will be interesting to see what happens when the banks start making ETF's and such based on BTC and other coins. Will they be able to manipulate it? Time will only tell. Until then blockchain is truly the most free market around, If they manipulate one... another one will just be created. We will also have to see how snaky these regulations become.

I doubt all countries will be taxing cryptos. Which leaves room for less regulation or no regulation...and tax free environments. Please Name another Asset Class with that ability.



As we all know blockchain is driving some of the greatest innovations since the internet was created. We are seeing innovations in cell phone data(dent coin), drone delivery services (Dorando), Smart contracts (etherum), creating your own blockchain (Komodo), Video distribution (theta coin), Fixing smarts contracts from DOA attacks (Quantstamp), Supply chain management (NEO).

Those are only a few of the innovations going on in cryptoland. There is so much going on in the innovation category it would take a seperate article to even just touch upon all the innovation that is happening.

The innovations that are happening are going to literally transform this world...hopefully to a more honest and fair one. It is still too early to tell since mass adoption has not yet taken place. However it is literally in the very early stages of mass adoption. Those who made their asymmetrical bets will relish in their returns from their speculations as long as they put their wealth in coins that fix real world problems...Not some Stupid coin like BUNNY TOKEN. For christ sakes. That is not innovation.



This is a subject that i'm really passionate about when it comes to cryptocurrencies. ATM we have regulators trying to figure out a way to tax cryptos. The problem for them is a follows.

  • Blockchain is not government or institutional property
  • Cryptos can flow freely to any country freely...regardless of the amount.
  • It is uncontrollable since it is decentralized
  • The countries that try and tax them will be sorry that they did since asshole like me will simply go to another country and relish in our victory of TAX FREE WEALTH...Puerto Rico and Belarus to just name a couple.

Also most of these morons that are trying to label it as money, security, property or a stock. Are basically not involved in cryptoland and most likely do not even own a pc of BTC.

It's pretty queer to call BTC and the rest Fraud when the Governement and its trusted institutions participate in Fraud and counterfeiting every single day since Christ was a Cowboy. Then they have the Nerve to do a 180 and want to accept it and now tax it like it was theirs. ITS NOT.

The reason for that is because they are scared of losing control of the Human population. Unable to tax, unable to intimate, and unable to extort(unreasonable taxes)

This scares the controlling type of personalities which are prevalent in the governement today. Scared of losing control and POWER.

You even got these clowns who think trading one coin for another is a taxable event because that's how it works in the stock market. WRONG. Since when can you trade one stock directly for ANOTHER STOCK? Since when can you buy consumer Items with a stock without first liquidating into government CURRENCY FIRST.

It is not the same. Rules made up by Misinformed controlling people.

And there you have it. The reason why Crypto currency is Humanities greatest chance at TRUE MONETARY FREEDOM

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