BITCOIN Just Blew Through $1,900 to Hit New All-Time High... BERWICK VS. DUANE

by SGT, SGT Report:

Bitcoin hit a high of $1,918 USD according to real time data on Coinbase Thursday night, before pulling back to $1,902 at the time of this posting. The granddaddy of cryptos has been on a tear today, rising 5% or $90 USD. Bitcoin is up $690 USD over the past month, a 57% increase in just 30 days.

There remains several schools of thought on the crypto currencies, and Bitcoin in particular. About a year ago I became vocal about the potential rise of Bitcoin back to stratospheric levels and advised listeners to consider taking a small, speculative position in Bitcoin as a hedge against inflation, and as a gamble on the potential for the crypto to hit new all-time highs. Which it has, and then some.

Clif High's web bot project predicted the current rise of Bitcoin, and if memory serves, this leg of the rise is predicted to go just slightly north of $2,000 USD. Then, if web bot data proves accurate, one can expect a massive retraction, possibly as much as 50%, before Bitcoin once again continues the march to brand new all-time highs -- with web bot data indicating an ultimate price north of $10,000 USD (a price that most certainly suggests the beginning stages of hyperinflation of the US Dollar).

For critics who continue to demonize and doubt the viability of Bitcoin, the evidence may now be tipping against them. In late May, Japan announced that Bitcoin would be accepted as a legal payment method beginning on April 1, 2017. And on May 11 Coin Telegraph reported that Australia will recognize Bitcoin as money and protect Bitcoin businesses, while exempting the crypto currency from goods and services tax.

We continue to cover the crypto currencies which appear to be impervious to the criminal element on Wall Street that use Comex to create unlimited amounts of DIGITAL precious metal to cap the prices of PHYSICAL silver and gold - metals which have been REAL money for more than 5,000 years.

As I stated above, there remains two prevailing thoughts about Bitcoin:

  1. It's a fantastic opportunity and it represents the future of decentralized money.

  2. It's a con, a Ponzi scheme - a new Tulip bubble meant only for the greater fool.

So far, camp #1 is in the lead. And it's a lead that continues to grow.

Here are two new videos from You Tube producers we respect, representing group 1 and group 2.

[By the way, THANKS for the UP-VOTE or RE-STEEM, I really appreciate it!]

WannaCry Ransomware Virus Is a Globalist False Flag Attack On Bitcoin - Jeff Berwick

BitCOiN and Ransomware - Chris Duane

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