It's hard to Believe in Crypto when.... EVERYTHING SEEMS LIKE A SCAM

It's been a minute since I have posted.. Kinda been sitting back but tonight I will say something...

I am truly starting to believe the Crypto world Will eventually fail... I felt this way a long time ago back when Bitcoin companies were being hacked for millions or CEO's just lost Millions at a time.. The early years....

Now I see it again.. EVERY DAY A SCAM SITE GOES UP AND WE THE INVESTORS PLAY INTO THEIR PLAN TO GET RICH QUICK... We got Youtubers spreading the word to every follower they have "Hey invest here.. look how much money I made" and they put their all in and BAM.. GONE.... I've heard some sad sad stories in the last few weeks and it's giving crypto currency a really black eye.. No business is 100% to invest in ever but in the land of Crypto it seems like the odds are against you way more... I didnt invest a lot in Crypto solutions or Control Finance but I've seen people that had $10K - $100K invested.... now just in ruin because of those sites.. This isn't to mention the other BS sites....

It's examples like those that give Bitcoin and any crypto a black eye... Be careful out here people in where you put your money... and EVERY DAY HIT THAT WITHDRAW BUTTON.. You never know when it Will be your last payment...

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