YourBlock, aiming to be the fi rst Blockchain based comparison and incentivised based Personal Data storage platform

Allowing the consumer secure access to quotes for products and
services when the consumer wants
Smart contracts between the consumer and service providers
completed on the Blockchain

Blockchain based comparison and incentivised personal data
storage platform
In the event that the consumer purchases a product or service through YourBlock, YourBlock will seek to charge the service provider a fee. All fees paid by the service providers to YourBlock will be visible to the consumer, and a percentage of the fee will be passed back to the consumer in the form of YBK tokens. YourBlock will help connect the consumer and service providers securely and transparently. The YourBlock team brings years of experience in the fi nancial, insurance, data and system development sectors within profi table businesses. Those businesses have turnovers in excess of £100 million per annum, business transacted globally, and data managed from multiple territories.
Blockchain is bringing us the Internet of Value.
A new platform to reshape the world of transactions and data
for consumer and business alike.
YourBlock fully intends to be at the forefront of this digital revolution.
YourBlock will store the consumers’ personal and sensitive data on its own private Blockchain. YourBlock will “anchor” to the public Ethereum Blockchain to prove/achieve immutability.
GDPR Compliant
Automated compliance with the EU’s new complex GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) data privacy regulations.
Consumer Control
Allows both business and consumer to operate with total transparency.
YourBlock is aiming to be the fi rst Blockchain based comparison
and incentivised Personal Data storage platform. A Blockchain
digital fi ling cabinet, designed from the ground up to address the
need of consumers to have somewhere safe and secure to store
their data, data that they use on a daily basis to manage their dayto-day
Think of YourBlock as that drawer at home where you keep all
your Insurance documents, utility bills, passport, driving licence,
bank statements, and other personal documents. YourBlock is
addressing the very real need under GDPR, which comes into
force May 25th 2018 for secure data protection across Europe
and also in accordance with similar legislation across the rest of
the world.
Purchasing a service will result in entering into transparent smart
contracts with a selected service provider, which will greatly simplify
subsequent claims, modifi cations, cancellations and renewals.
As consumers complete the onboarding process and verify their
KYC (Know Your Customer) they will be rewarded with a small
amount of YBK tokens. To incentivise the consumer to add more
data they will be rewarded with a further small amount of YBK
tokens. This process will continue throughout the lifecycle of
consumer platform usage with token incentives to keep data up to
date and clean. On completing a purchase with a service/product
provider, they will also be rewarded with YBK tokens.
Consumers will onboard with the application by interacting with
an AI-enabled Chatbot: Dave. Dave will facilitate the process of
adding/updating personal information, requesting quotations and
entering into contracts with service/product providers. Consumers
will also be able to track all their policies/contracts and spend from
a simple dashboard that integrates seamlessly with their bank
Consumers will be safe in the knowledge that their data is secure
and that they will not be marketed to, or have their data sold on.
Thanks to YourBlock, consumers will enter their data once, in a
secure location, controlled, managed and kept up to date by the
consumers’ themselves. YourBlock returns quotes without the
Service Providers receiving access to any of their information. It’s
only at the point the consumer selects and purchasers a particular
service or product, that they then get limited and controlled
access to the consumers data, within the safety of the YourBlock
YourBlock aims to disrupt consumer-based service industries,
starting with insurance and utility services. The objective is
to remove the middle-men such as price-comparison sites by
creating an incentivised, Blockchain-based cloud platform that
allows for simple, transparent and consistent interactions between
consumers and service/product providers.
Private Blockchain, linked to Public Blockchain.
Consumer Control
Providing the consumer secure access to quotes for products and services, if and when the consumer wants.
YBK Tokens
Used for discounts on products and services, and awarded upon completion of transactions.
Built For Business
Offering service providers a secure platform to upload their pricing and underwriting matrix.
Smart Contracts
Smart contracts between the consumer and service providers completed on the Blockchain, achieving immutability and data integrity.
Data Integrity
Provides up to date and accurate information to service providers/suppliers. Allowing them to quote with a higher level of accuracy and lower risk factor.
The YourBlock platform will offer several benefits to both consumers and service providers.
Consumer benefits:
Financial savings by sharing commission/origination fees earned by YourBlock, through simple price comparisons and alerts, and through smart tracking of spend on services.
Higher data privacy by controlling who and when service providers get access. Limiting access to only the data necessary to offer the service.
Greater transparency on comparable services and on policy/ contract terms.
The more users on the platform the greater the chance to get better deals with the service providers for their products and services.
Service Provider benefits:
Improved consumer data quality, kept up to date post on-boarding.
Cost savings and improved customer experience enabled by the automation of on-boarding and claims, modifications, cancellations and renewals of policies/contracts.
Reduced insurance fraud through automated smart contracts.
There are several additional benefits to related parties in each industry. For example, in the Insurance space, the following parties will also greatly benefit from YourBlock: re-insurers; industry watchdogs; brokers; regulators and law enforcers.
YBK Token
Sale Terms YourBlock aims to raise €30 million Euros from the Token Sale. A maximum of €10 million will be taken in the Pre Sale (although the number of tokens to be issued is variable, depending upon the discount level). Those participating in the Pre Sale will be subject to lock in periods, subject to the amount they purchase. Given Pre Sale discounts, it is likely that more than 60 million YBK tokens will be required for the total YourBlock token sale. Where more tokens are required they will be taken from the Incentive and Reward pool (mentioned below). The Incentive and Reward Pool will be ring fenced. We will build in an audit element on the Blockchain that clearly shows the YBK tokens passed to consumers who register on the YourBlock platform, enter their data correctly, and then purchase a product on the platform. We will work closely with an audit partner to achieve this.
YBK Supply
Total token supply = 200 Million (200,000,000) YBK tokens
30% of YBK tokens sold to public in the token sale.
YBK Value = €0.50
Hard Cap = €30 Million
Soft Floor = €5 Million Basic Terms Pre sale start date: 18th December 2017 — €10 Million Discount on pre sale YBK tokens up to 40% — Lock in periods will apply
Pre sale end date: 15th January 2018
Main sale start date: 15th January 2018
Main sale end date: 26th February 2018
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ArcBlock is expected to help in eliminating the challenges experienced in the current use of blockchains. This is a technology that comes at the right time when so many people and businesses have developed an interest in technological innovation that they do not understand. Different financial institutions around the world such as banks must be prepared for the rapid changes that the new technology will bring. Investors should also take advantage of this opportunity to invest in crypto currency because its value is expected to increase along with increasing usage. Those who are ready to buy ArcBlock tokens have the opportunity to give many benefits in the future.
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