Skeptical of the Amazon will accept Bitcoin in October News, here is why...

Ok, so you may have seen posts today already about Amazon getting ready to accept bitcoin in late October.

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Though I believe that they will indeed accept bitcoin at some point, this October 26th announcement that is being thrown around has be largely skeptical.

Here is Why:

This "news" stems from a James Altucher "report" relying on his inside knowledge given he is friends with a lot of silicon valley big names and hedge fund managers.

Ok, that is cool and all. I could get down with that.....except,

It's a Marketing Document!

This "report" is not a report. That information was within a long piece of marketing material for his Bitcoin newsletter/course.

I just read it and even plugged in my email to see what I would receive; which just turned out to be the next webpage with the offer for a one year or two year subscription.

Nothing wrong with any of this. He's marketing which is cool. I market my real estate education and my book ScaredyCatGuide to Investing in Rental Properties regularly (which, you can find on Amazon using that link)

However, it is one thing to market what you can teach someone, it's another to make specific claims about future events. The latter you cannot guarantee and with no word from any other media outlets (or Amazon itself) you are a gambling on his claim that is again, within a piece of marketing material.

Play at your own risk.

Backing Up The Truck?

So again, I do think Amazon will accept bitcoin at some point. Am I going to back up the truck today and load up on Bitcoin at this very moment based off this "news" item alone. Uhm, nope. I will continue to invest in it as planned.

This is just my opinion and what is right for me though.

Just wanted to make sure people were clear on the source of this news, given I have seen it listed other places and there were not references to the marketing material, just that it was James Altucher.


Best Regards,
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