Why Bitcoin guaranteed to succeed.

By now Bitcoin and other cryptos that Bitcoin has brought into existence, closing on a decade from the moment that Satoshi Nakomoto has released it to the world.
It was a rough ride. Huge waves had to be sailed. Many a times voices of significance in today's society of manipulation have forecasted the end to the experiment every time the sailboat was on the bottom of the wave.
Many smart people have reasoned over time why cryptos have a future. Anyone following the the pro and against arguments would remember the "unbreakability" argument: cryptos are protected by cryptology; then there is "freedom" argument: the project is so appealing from the point of view of freedom that masses around the world are just waiting for someone to discover it for them etc.
Of course the detractors have some strong arguments on their side. The biggest of them of course is a "elites around the world will never allow to threaten the existing financial order". And it is a very strong argument. A lot is at stake for them. But I think there is a lot more at stake for them then meets the eye.

Most everyone that are paying attention notice the preparation by the governments from Sweden to India for a cashless society. At this point the arguments boils to when not if.

Of course it goes without saying the prospects of total control that cashless society will present to the powers that seek it are imminence. But that is exactly why cryptos will have a bright future.
Elites without a doubt would love to implement a total financial control over the masses but that will mean they will be subservient to the same rules. What is to become to the black budgets, black operations, illicit drug trade, child trafficking and prostitution, financial machinations and the rest nefarious activities they have been fostering upon the world? Or how would CIA or FSB will pay their recruited agents in Russia or US?

The answer is simple. They need cryptos because cryptos will function as cash in the cashless society. And they need a medium that will have the anonymity of cash. Of course it might not be Bitcoin but without a doubt one of the cryptos will become such a medium.

That is the Catch-22 for the New World Order architects. They would love to but can't.

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