Two Magical Partners To Look @ Tokenpay & Verge XVG


Two magical partners to look at is definitely XVG - Verge - ( and Tokenpay (

Vergecurrency just partnered up with a MASSIVE global company 'MindGeek' who runs more than 80% of the adult industry on the web. This is HUGE! - Let's put it into perspective, PornHub(Mindgeek) is like Google Adwords for the adult industry. This is connected to "TrafficJunky" that is being run by PornHub who owns them but MindGeek owns pornhub you see.... there is so much more to this deal than anybody seem to understand!


A Good link to watch if you really are interested in how MASSIVE the deal is:

And Tokenpay, what can we say about them... oh yes...

Tokenpay just acquired 9.9 - 85% stake in a German bank and will be rolling out.....You guessed it, Verge credit cards! This is massive not only for Tokenpay but also for Verge who will have a direct connection into Fiat!

What does it benefit?

  • Privacy Focused Jurisdiction

  • Multi currency Transactions

  • International Wire Capabilities

  • Widely Accepted Debit Card

You will one day maybe see the magnitude of these two partnerships but it is amazing! Stop bashing other coins and respect what all the coins are doing for the cryptoworld...

EXCEPT BITCOIN CASH, NEVER ENTER BITCOIN CASH! - I hate Roger Ver, he is just an idiot... sorry

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