Monero Developer’s New Startup is Launching a Free Blockchain University

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South African blockchain startup Tari Labs has unveiled a free online university that makes training accessible to local and international blockchain developers. Tari was developed and launched earlier this year by local blockchain expert and Monero promoter Riccardo Spagni alongside American investors, Naiveen Jain and Dan Teree.

Reasoning Behind New Project :-

Tari particularly aims to readdress the endpoint experience of digital assets such as in-game items, digital collectibles, concert tickets, loyalty points and other digitally scarce commodities. Naiveen Jain believes that digital assets are “great use case” for Blockchain technology, and in his opinion, there is “an opportunity for a frictionless experience” where users can store and most importantly, transfer digital assets in line with the rules of use preset by their sellers. The Tari protocol was created after the three concluded that none of the already existing blockchain protocols would suffice in developing their solution to address actual problems.

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