Bitcoin Cash Isn't Free Money | It's Already Priced Into The Market


Okay so I see a lot of people talking about how Bitcoin Cash is free money YAAAYYYY!!!!

I notice a lot of buddies of mine who either weren't involved in Bitcoin or had very little holdings are now wanting to buy in prior to August 1, to collect their free money.

I'm not an economist nor am I an expert on cryptos but here's what it seems like to me. The "real" price of Bitcoin right now should be $2400 to $2500. The price is currently inflated with everyone buying in to get their "free money".

We saw futures for Bitcoin cash open up at I think close to $600 and is now continuing to fall currently sitting at about $342. I think by the time August 1, comes around it will be significantly lower.

I personally don't think Bitcoin cash is free money, I think it's already factored into the Bitcoin price. It Bitcoin price continues to rise Bitcoin cash IMHO will continue to fall, and if Bitcoin Cash somehow miraculously goes up Bitcoin price is going to pull back.

It's my opinion this isn't free money just a balancing of the two.

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