Bitcoin Bad in Ukraine and Indonesia, Good in Turkey

The Indonesian and Ukrainian central banks have explained that BTC will not be recognized as a means of payment. Turkey’s Banking Regulation Confirmed the Legality of Bitcoin.

Vice President of the National Bank of Ukraine, Oleh Churiy said : "We can say that it is definitely not a currency as it has no central issuer. We also cannot accept cryptocurrency as means of payment”

The Bank of Indonesia, has affirmed and confirmed that bitcoin transactions are not legally recognized according to its “Service Provider of Payment System” Oscar Dermawan, the CEO of Bitcoin Indonesia described bitcoin as “a remarkable technological achievement, he was not agree with this decision and has criticized the central bank’s position.

Despite the status of BTC in Turkey domestic financial institutions are hesitant to partner with cryptocurrency businesses. Very soon Luxury Apartments in Turkey will be purchasing by using BTC. Erdal Daldaban, the “Project Management Firm Anadolu Akaryakıt stated : “We decided to make sales via Bitcoin, which has recently attracted the attention of Turkish investors with its recent value route, considering that we could also attract the attention of our customers who appreciate their investments like this”

His statement supported even more increased the power of BTC currency in Turkey.

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