Crypto on the Presidential Campaign


Former Democratic presidential candidate Eric Swalwell from California said he wanted to turn the country into a crypto nation if he were to win the US presidential seat. 38-year-old Eric Swalwell was accepting BTC, BCH, XLM, ETH, BSV, and WSD to fund his 2020 presidential campaign. Armed with a crypto contribution campaign site, Swalwell was making positive headlines stating that “Blockchain can change the world if we let it.”


A crypto supporting presidential candidate is a big deal for the crypto community because support like this from a national position was bringing more attention to crypto and helping to put a positive stamp on its significance. Sadly, Swalwell quickly pulled out of the race leaving only two other full-on crypto supporting presidential candidates; John McAfee and Andrew Yang. John McAfee the “Crypto Crusader” who’s slogan is “Don’t Vote McAfee” just wants to bring national awareness to the positive aspects of cryptocurrency so that people can decide for themselves if they would like financial freedom through cryptocurrency. Andrew Yang, a democratic candidate, believes that crypto must be a part of the future of the US.


For so long the government has been trying to ignore cryptocurrency but here we have another avenue in which crypto must be acknowledged. With two presidential candidates advocating for and accepting cryptocurrency as campaign donations the government is being forced to show acknowledgment and this is why cryptocurrency is accepted by the Federal Election Commission for presidential election contributions.


I personally don’t think McAfee nor Yang have any chance of even coming close to becoming president but just their presence on the national political scene is enough to get crypto into the fold. The US Federal Election Commission allowing crypto for contributions says a lot against the sitting presidents' assertions that cryptocurrency has no value and the most important thing here is that presidential candidates are showing support for crypto to the nation and this is another win for us!


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