Ride the Steem wave, fasten your seatbelt


Hello there,

My name is Remy and I am a technical analyst and a forex trader on and off for the last decade. And I still enjoy analysing.
So I must admit, I have been peeking at the Steem chart and thought by myself to share me thoughts on it.

Why am I posting this at this moment?

I do believe that Steem is at the point to make a reverse up. So buying now would be lucrative especially for the long term.

let me explain...

Every trend move has a certain structure according to mister Elliot wave. Who ofcourse made a theory out of it. Every cycle consists of 3 impulsive and 2 correction and after that move is completed it retraces at least 38.6% back from the top.



So the conclusion...

Steam is at point 4 and has yet to complete the 5th wave. So nice buying moment right?

Thanks for reading and I'll probably post some more in the future.

Take care!

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