My Biggest Regret

Back in 2013 Is when I first found out about Bitcoin. Was at around ~$20. At the time I had no idea what this would unfold into. I had bought around 5 bitcoins for around a hundred bucks or so by doing a bank deposit through a website (don’t know if it was LBC or not can’t remember.) anyways I was just interested in the fact that you could buy things online with it and it could go up or down just like stocks. I had it on an offline wallet on my computer. I had completely forgot about it since I had been going to a military academy following that summer and didn’t have access to my laptop for just one month. Seeing the BTC rise to around 50 bucks was jaw dropping because it actually worked! My father had always told me to be careful about investing into stocks. Boy do I wish I had kept the Bitcoin and held out. Not even a few months later it had raised to $300... then hit a record high of $1300 the following semester. I had cashed it out at $50 bucks each. At $300 bucks I thought that would’ve been it. Today I am looking at how wrong I was. Throughout these past 5 years I had gone through atleast 20-25 Bitcoin just trying to make a quick buck. Could’ve been worth 200k at the least. Being a teenager at the time I had no idea it would be worth over 12k present day. That is my biggest regret in life. But now that I’m older I’m trying to hold as much crypto as possible until I KNOW that cashing out will be worth it. Which won’t be for a while. Have any of you had a similar experience?

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