Dalam Semalam Investor Bitcoin Rugi Rp 2 Juta, dan bos Allianz meminta bitcoin cs diblokir.Overnight a Bitcoin Investor Loss of IDR 2 Million, and Allianz Inverters asked that Bitcoin CS be blocked

Investor sekarang sangat khawatir karena aksi jual besar-besaran (sell-off) masih terus berlanjut yang membuat harganya terus koreksi dalam.

Dalam coinbase, hingga pukul 10:43 WIB, Bitcoin dihargai sebesar Rp 47,27 juta atau setara US$3.248,39 per koin. Dalam 24 jam terakhir harga Bitcoin koreksi atau terus menurun ke 3,92%, Akibat koreksi yang terus berlanjut ini membuat kapitalisasi pasar anjlok ke US$56,5 miliar padahal awal tahun kapitalisasi pasar Bitcoin berada di atas US$110 miliar dengan terjadi ini banyak investor terus menarik bitcoin karena takut akan penutupan bicoin bukan hanya bitcoin mata uang digital lainnya juga ikut terkoreksi. Bitcoin Cash anjlok 8,52% menjadi Rp 1,26 juta dan harga Ethereum anjlok 3,76% menjdai Rp 1,24 juta dan harga Litecoin anjlok 3,91% menjadi Rp 333 ribu.

Yang sangat kita takuti adalah banyak investor yang meminta bitcoin di tutup seperti Bos Allianz Minta Bitcoin Cs Diblokir, jumlah pihak yang menolak aset digital atau cryptocurrency bertambah. Terbaru adalah Allianz Global Investors.

CEO Allianz Global Investors, Andreas Utermann, meminta regulator global untuk melarang cryptocurrency dan menyebut mata uang digital ini sebagai penyebab menguapnya tabungan masyarakat sebelum nya sudah 5 negara yang menutup bitcoin seperti china, rusia. Setelah tahun 2017 yang spektakuler di mana mencapai nilai tertinggi sepanjang masa, tahun ini Bitcoin kehilangan tiga perempat nilainya. Bahkan Ripple dan Ethereum sudah kehilangan 90% nilainya.

"Regulator harus melarangnya," ujar Andreas Utermann seperti dikutip dari Reuters, Kamis (13/12/2018). "Saya sendiri terkejut, regulator belum mengambil tindakan keras pada cryptocurrency."

Andreas Utermann menyampaikan, hal ini di samping kepala otoritas Financial Conduct Authority, Andrew Bailey. Menurutnya cryptocurrency tidak memiliki nilai interinsik.

Dan meski terus dilanda aksi jual, co-founder Fundstrat Global Advisor Tom Lee masih yakin harga Bitcoin bisa kembali meningkat. Menurun risetnya harga wajar Bitcoin saat ini di kisaran US$13.800 hingga US$14.800 per koin.


Overnight a Bitcoin Investor Loss of IDR 2 Million, and Allianz Inverters asked that Bitcoin CS be blocked

Investors are now very worried because the sell-off is still continuing which keeps the price continuing a deep correction.

In coinbase, up to 10:43 WIB, Bitcoin was valued at Rp. 47.27 million or equivalent to US $ 3,248.39 per coin. In the last 24 hours the price of Bitcoin corrected or continued to decline to 3.92%. As a result of this continuous correction made market capitalization plummet to US $ 56.5 billion even though at the beginning of the year Bitcoin's market capitalization was above US $ 110 billion with this happening many investors continued attracting bitcoin for fear of closing bicoin is not just a bitcoin other digital currencies also corrected. Bitcoin Cash fell 8.52% to Rp 1.26 million and Ethereum's price plunged 3.76% to Rp 1.24 million and Litecoin prices tumbled 3.91% to Rp 333 thousand.

What we are very afraid of is that many investors ask that bitcoin be closed like the Allianz boss. Ask Bitcoin Cs to be blocked, the number of parties who reject digital assets or cryptocurrency increases. Latest is Allianz Global Investors.

CEO of Allianz Global Investors, Andreas Utermann, asked global regulators to ban cryptocurrency and call this digital currency the cause of the evaporation of public savings before 5 countries have closed bitcoin such as China, Russia. After spectacular 2017 where it reached the highest score of all time, this year Bitcoin lost three-quarters of its value. Even Ripple and Ethereum have lost 90% of their value.

"Regulators must ban it," Andreas Utermann was quoted as saying by Reuters on Thursday (12/13/2018). "I was surprised, the regulator has not taken a crackdown on cryptocurrency."

Andreas Utermann said, this was in addition to the head of the Financial Conduct Authority, Andrew Bailey. According to him cryptocurrency has no interinsic value.

And despite continued sell-offs, co-founder of Fundstrat Global Advisor Tom Lee is still convinced that the price of Bitcoin can rise again. Decreasing his research, the fair price of Bitcoin is currently in the range of US $ 13,800 to US $ 14,800 per coin.

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