Cryptocurrency Apocalypse

Does anyone know CPR? We need a defibrillator over here! Someone please call emergency medical services. This is a bloodbath!


The cryptocurrency apocalypse is upon us.


I've been tracking the trends in the market by analyzing charts, listening to the community and its subcultures. There's a lot of fear, uncertainty, and doubt being spread around and rightfully so.

Here are some notable mentions:

  • Most major currencies began their record setting bullish run in May 2017.
  • They hit their peak in the first two weeks of June 2017.
  • The past few weekends have been bearish seeing larger declines in price.
  • $40 billion has left the overall marketplace since June 2017.
  • Bitcoin's percentage of market share grows as the market cap gets smaller.
  • The August 1st deadline for changes to Bitcoin is an underlying factor.

Here's what I think is going to happen:

  • Major currencies will continue weekly declines leading up to August 1st.
  • Bitcoin's percentage of market share will continue to grow.
  • The marketplace will continue to see declines in its overall market cap.
  • Most major currencies will revert close to their price from the beginning of May 2017.
  • The market will stabilize around the middle of August.
  • Bitcoin will continue its long-term rise in price leading into 2018.

What I am going to do:

  • Continue to analyze data, and listen to the community and its subcultures.
  • Keep fiat currency in reserve to be able to purchase major currencies at a "discount".
  • Frequent because this platform is so awesome!

I sincerely appreciate all the upvotes, replies, and resteems of previous posts!

Your support has been overwhelming and priceless!


Image sources:,

GIF(s) source:


I am not a financial advisor so please invest at your own risk. I am not sponsored, endorsed, or otherwise compensated in any fashion by these sources, however I am a humble Steemian who wishes to bring forth quality content in order to add value to our community.



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