New World Currency - May 16, 2018?


The image above was taken from the cover of the Rothschild owned "The Economist" magazine, published 30 years ago on 01/9/88, Vol. 306, pp 9-10 in their article, "Get Ready for a New World Currency", which predicted the New World Currency this year in 2018. A full copy of the text can be found here

A lot of people have been talking the last 9 months about this magazine cover and article, but few have gone very deep to tie the deeper hidden pieces together with other very significant factors and historical facts. The most significant one of all that I would like to focus on is the biggest picture of all, astronomical.

Up until only a few hundred years ago both astronomical and astrological were interchangeably the same thing. Astrology is known in many circles to be very good at predicting our financial future. Part of this may have something to do with how the global elite tend to give great credence to working with and/or manipulating global events around astronomical/astrological energies and belief systems. The point of this is that we are about to enter a period of time which will astrologically last 8 years and hasn't happened in 85 years since 1933 when Hitler and the Third Reich rose to power, the US went into bankruptcy, WWII started in 1938 and at the end of the 8 year period the US entered WWII.

This period is when Uranus (shock, change, revolution, freedom, independence) moves into Taurus from the middle of May, 2018. Uranus in Taurus has not happened in your adult lives. Uranus is different than the other planets in our solar system in how the axial tilt is about 98 degrees nearly flat compared to the others, which are perpendicular to the solar plane. This has baffled scientists for years and to be honest causes me to wonder if the way it's name sounds in English may have been a play on words to make a joke about it. Another unique aspect of Uranus from the others is that Astronomers decided to name the planets after Roman Gods with the exception of Uranus. Uranus was named after the Greek god of the sky. According to the myth, he was the father of Saturn and the grandfather of Jupiter. His equivalent in Roman mythology was Caelus. In Ancient Greek literature, Uranus, or "Father Sky", was the son and husband of Gaia, Mother Earth. Interestingly, indigenous people around the world are known to refer to God, if you will, as Mother Earth and Father Sky.

In astrological terms this period is "said" to be huge. It lasts from May 16th, 2018, until the cycle ends on April 26th, 2026. They say for this period that no system which keeps the majority down ever lasts on a Uranus transit. Uranus in Taurus from May 2018 is said in Astrology lingo to first shock us, then over a number of years will show us very clearly just how "free" we were not. So in many ways, no matter how rough the transition goes and however the events unfold, this should generally be very good news to many of us who are so sick and tired of the current corruption and mayhem the global elite, our governments and really the entire global debt-based financial system as a whole have been wreaking on humanity and our planet. Of course, I'm an optimist. I believe it's time for humanity's system of exchanging value to evolve and grow into something better than we currently have and a better global financial system based on decentralized blockchain technology, which we are already seeing begin, is clearly the way.

Today, May 15th, is a New Moon, which signifies a fresh new start for all lunar life cycles on our planet. For farmers and plant nurseries it marks the beginning of a time (generally the next week) for planting seed and transplanting for a new harvest.

The bottom line is the current system has run it's course and is on the verge of complete collapse at some point or another that will most likely end everything as we know it. Some say anytime now. Even the "The Economist" in 1988 predicted this year, 2018. Note the date on the coin the Phoenix is holding, as it rises out of the burning US Dollars, and the Fleur-de-lis on it's head as a crown, which was a symbol of Charlemagne, who really established the Holy Roman Empire (i.e. the First Reich).

@ajain wrote an interesting piece on it 10 months ago. In it he gave a different point of view than any I had seen before, which I found extremely interesting how those pieces fit so well together with so many others. In it he said:

Uranus is changing the zodiac sign on May 16, 2018, and will be moving into Taurus from Aries. Uranus revolves or orbits around the Sun once every 84 Earth years. Because of this long cycle, the effect of Uranus is felt more generationally rather than individually. So last time it was in Taurus was in 1933. That in itself should perk up your interest.

Yeah, that's right. Astrologically speaking we have something happening in the heavens that hasn't happened since the same time the US was last officially declared bankrupt.

Originality, inventions, computers, cutting-edge technologies and future events are all ruled by this planet. Uranus sees no need for the status quo, preferring instead to break with tradition and create a new mold.

This really fits the disruptive nature of blockchain technology.

Taurus deals with the financial systems of the world. It also deals with communication, transportation, farming, infrastructure and most importantly all things physical which includes earth.

So putting these two together, it is pretty easily seen that much of current financial systems will go away. Since Taurus deals with all things physical, Fiat money and FED is likely to disappear and the new financial system will have the backing of something physical.

All of this, along with the basic symbol of the rising Phoenix, brings me to the fact that China, which has been rising at a very rapid rate the last 30 years after the magazine article and surpassed the United States in GDP PPP (Purchasing Power Parity) in 2015, has already announced it's intentions to create their own crypto currency for the yuan to be backed by gold and oil. The government of China was the primary proponent of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). The bank has already 64 member states and another 22 are prospective members, totaling 86 approved members. The bank started operation after the agreement entered into force on December 25th, 2015, after ratifications were received from 10 member states holding a total number of 50% of the initial subscriptions of the Authorized Capital Stock. The United Nations has addressed the launch of AIIB as having potential for "scaling up financing for sustainable development" for the concern of global economic governance. ref.

A Few Things to Watch

This is where I believe blockchain technology will really come into the picture. Bitcoin was introduced shortly after the 2008 crash and has really begun to be known throughout mainstream media and the world more and more. During that time thousands of other cryptocurrencies have been introduced to the rapidly growing market. Ethereum, Stellar and Neo have become protocols which others are building their tokens on. Next month the long awaited EOS will also come onto the market, claiming to provide much the same in unique ways. It makes it more interesting, for example, how IBM has recently stated that the central banks are about to create their own cyrpto currencies on the Stellar platform. Yet, mysteriously so few have spoken of that and generally speaking Stellar volumes and price action has moved more or less with the market.

If they are really going to roll out some big game changer this year, those guys love all things esoteric, astronomical, numeralogical, etc. After all, this is a Master 11 year (i.e. 2018=2+0+1+8) and they love passing through those 2 columns under the arch on top. So 9-11 and 11-11-11 (i.e. Nov. 11, 2018) could be interesting. There are some key astrological dates other than tomorrow, May 16th, to keep an eye on also. A Red Full Moon Eclipse is on July 27th, which is only 5 days after the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meet to further discuss possible "regulation". That should be interesting to watch as well for news. Although, it should be noted, these guys like playing the market via manipulating the news too. This is given the way the last G20 Finance meeting first announced "No New Regulations" only to turn around a few days later, after the market had rallied tremendously, and say it is still on the table and would be reviewed during the July meeting. Then after the Red Full Moon Eclipse is on July 27th there are 4 meteor showers the remainder of the year. The one in Nov. a week after 11-11-11 seems an interesting time. Also, keep in mind that this is an eight-year cycle we are just about to enter into the beginning of. So it should be interesting to see how everything unfolds.

In Conclusion

As we begin to pass through these transitional doorways in time, I wanted to put things into perspective a little as to how many very interesting previous facts and history seem to line up with the heavens literally to point to real change appearing to be just ahead of us on the horizon. Certainly, we are on the brink of some huge changes. In my perspective humanity as a whole needs to experience these lessons of our mistakes in order to wake ourselves up from this stupor and learn to really think outside the box we've programmed ourselves within in order to create a whole new system that is far better. Because the old is so deeply wired into our subconscious, it would seem we have to bang our head hard enough against the wall to wake up and learn. If nothing else, that would be the antagonist role I would say the hard-headed power elite are playing.

While at the same time Satoshi Nakamoto began that process and look where we are now compared to then. 10 years ago the global financial system was in collapse and any thought of what we have now with blockchain technology would really be like some sort of cosmic Sci-Fi. Yet it is now real and we are truly on the brink of something literally mind boggling. Those of us here on steemit are the visionaries and pioneers. As the old fails, the new is rising. The pendulum is moving in our direction, even as the old power elite seem to be playing out their own game of batten down the hatches to keep the sinking ship afloat. I'm a true believer that at some point soon these new technologies will win out. We truly are living in exciting times.


Some other posts I've shared on steemit:

To CHANGE or Not to Change - That is the question.
Don't Tell Me You Can't When I KNOW WHAT IS POSSIBLE!
Why Stellar Lumens (XLM/STR) is One of My Favorite Crypto Currencies

Have an awesome week :)

Follow Me: @positivesynergy


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