Announcing Bitcoin Yellow - The next evolution of Bitcoin

Hi fellow Bitcoin hodlers!

I've got exciting news. I'm happy and excited to announce a new cryptocurrency.

Bitcoin Yellow

Our amazing team of developers have been working around the clock over the last few days. The whitepaper is almost ready to be published. Fortunately, our devs have fantastic Microsoft Word skills. They forked the Bitcoin Gold whitepaper and did a 'Find and Replace' on the word 'Gold'. We just replaced it with the word 'Yellow', that's it!

Our beautiful logo is a fork of the Bitcoin Cash logo. Our designers have replaced the green color with a yellow color. That's all!

Our top engineers are also working around the clock to get the website ready. We copied the website, but replacing every instance of "Gold" with "Yellow" in the codebase is a very complicated process. I expect our website to be online in a few days.

I would like to let you know we will fork from the main Bitcoin blockchain at block 493,440 which will probably be on Monday, November 6.

Shortly after a successful fork of Bitcoin Yellow, we plan to fork our new blockchain again to create 'Bitcoin Yellow Cash' with 8MB blocks. Bitcoin Yellow will be a very popular cryptocurrency so 8MB blocks will be necessary to guarantee fast confirmations in the future.


But that's not all. Stay tuned. We have much more projects in the pipeline.

  • Bitcoin Red
  • ‎Bitcoin Red Cash
  • ‎Bitcoin Red 2X
  • ‎Bitcoin Purple (+Cash +2X)
  • ‎Bitcoin Brown (+Cash +2X)
  • ‎and all the other colors of the rainbow...

As soon as we have forked all Bitcoin colors we will continue forking the Bitcoin metals. Bitcoin Gold and Bitcoin Silver already exist. The latter is actually called Litecoin.
We plan to create 'Bitcoin Bronze', 'Bitcoin Copper', 'Bitcoin Aluminium', 'Bitcoin Iron', 'Bitcoin Zinc', 'Bitcoin Titanium' and of course 'Bitcoin Diamond'. Although diamond is not a metal, but who cares.
After the Bitcoin metal blockchains are running we also plan to create a sugar free Bitcoin and a gluten free Bitcoin in the beginning of 2018.

We expect the legacy Bitcoin will hit at least $10,000 before the end of the year as everybody will dump their altcoins to buy as much BTC as they can to receive our free Bitcoin-forked coins. Bitcoin to the moon. Just HODL Bitcoin before you call your Lambo dealer.

Our team is very open and transparent, but please don't ask any questions about replay protection. We just don't know how to implement it in such a short time. Moreover, it's not so important, right?

Make sure you hold your private keys. You will have at least 50 different shitcoins from one key!

See you on the moon guys! This is gonna be yuuuuge!

Oh, I almost forgot to tell you I will premine 100,000 Bitcoin Yellow coins to fund our trustworthy projects.

¯\___(ツ)____/¯ Don't miss out on my next post! Follow me @penguinpablo

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