The best way to track your crypto-portfolio


A brief overview of the best crypto portfolio trackers currently offered.

So you bought a gazzilion alt coins and got yourself into a million ICO's and now you're not even sure how much money you have, right ?

Well, me too. At some point I knew I was gonna need to centralize all my coins in one place, the problem was finding prices for all those tickers. Also, when the money on crypto started getting real (at least for my standards) I definitely had to treat it as an investment and keep track of its performance.

Ergo, I needed a software.

I ended up struggling a bit to find a few, so I thought I'd just come over and share with you all my findings.

Note: They are also useful if you only own a handful of coins but trade a lot and need some kind of performance tracker.

#10 Coin-Folio

Coin-Folio Very simple web based tool. You can manually import your trades into it. Nothing special about it.

#9 CoinGecko

A lot of people seem to use CoinGecko but i don't see anything special about it. The one pro they have is that it has a whole news platform integrated on it. Aside from that doesn't seem huge. It won't let you upload your balances to it, only lets you choose the coins you want to see the price.

#8 Coincap

A lot of good things being said about Coincap. The website does not let you do much, but it has a mobile app for both iOS and Android and lets you keep track of up to three portfolios.

#7 Lionshare

Lionshare is a Mac-only free app. Its design is quite attractive, although the app is very simplistic. It only lets you input the amount of each currency you own. Doesn't deal with trades at all.

Even so, it is a nice gadget to have on your Mac and glance at your holdings.

#6 Cryptofolio

Cryptofolio may not be good-looking, but is a quite flexible tool. It requires some technical knowledge (like being able to use an API). But in case that's for you, it's a good free tool to get the job done.

#5 CoinFYI

CoinFYI is not widely-known as most of the others, but it seems pretty interesting. They're web-based and mobile friendly and they give you an interesting feed of news for the coins you hold and also let you look at a Google Trends chart of the currencies you hold. Both are interesting ideas.

Unfortunately it also does not let you bulk upload trades. Moreover, it just gives you a snapshot of your holdings, your trades aren't even uploaded with dates. Bummer.

#4 Blockfolio

Blockfolio has the prominent advantage of being mobile. And it has the massive drawback of being mobile-only. I loved Blockfolio for quite a while, the app is sleek, they have live prices for virtually all mainstream tickers and exchanges and it worked just great to keep track of my handful of coins and weekly trades.

But then when the trades started to get more frequent than weekly it became such a mission to input all those trades using this tiny button on my phone that I had to quit it.

They said a desktop version is soon to be released, but so far it hasn't.

#3 CryptoCompare

Crypto Compare is probably the most notable cryptocurrency prices feeder of all. In terms of coins and prices it is basically unbeatable. The portfolio tracking app is web-based which is cool but not as mobile friendly as one would expect.

Also I disliked the fact that it won't allow you to upload an excel with trades for example or look at your historic performance in a format other than a table with unrealized profits and losses

#2 is the perfect solution ! I knew at some point I would find something like that. They integrate with exchanges, they have API importers, all kinds of dashboards and charts and all you could want. Definitely the tool to get the job done. I mean they have IT ALL. More than I could figure from myself, like a dendrogram of currencies. They even help you get your taxes done.

Except that... well... for more than 200 trades it is not free AT ALL. It is quite expensive actually. A lifetime signature is half a BTC and a one year signature is 0.08 BTC (Currently approximately $200).

Well, not for me.

#1 Altpocket

Altpocket is,so far, the best looking alternative I've seen. One of the best tools out there. Totally free, lets you input your Poloniex and Bittrex API keys (which are the exact ones I use) and get trades automatically. Also lets you add trades manually. Lets you change your pricing API to CoinMarketCap, Poloniex or Bittrex.

Moreover, it has a social network feeling. Lets you share your portfolio and performance and be followed by people. But you can, obviously, make your portfolio private.

Still, it has a lot to add in terms of data visualization. Cointracking beats it hands tied. It seems that they have updates going on all the time, so I expect a lot more to come.

Note: Be sure to create new API keys with read-only rights before submitting it to Altpocket or any other tool !


CoinFinance seems very promising. All the news about it are very good. They claim to be the Google Finance for cryptocurrency. Their interface is great for visualizing and very user-friendly. They're developing both iOS and Android apps.

Unfortunately it is currently under maintenance so I can't check whether they let you bulk import trades, but I'll soon do it and update this post with their rank.

Done !

Hope it helps, let me know whether you use other Crypto-Portfolio Trackers and what's their strengths and weaknesses.

Further discussion goes on this and this reddit threads.

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