Ubcoin Market will take blockchain to Samsung phones

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Ubcoin Market, the blockchain ecosystem that will allow its users to exchange real goods for cryptocurrencies, is projected to be integrated into more than 2.5 million Samsung smartphones thanks to its association with Ubank, a mobile payment application pre-installed in smartphones from the South Korean company in more than 10 countries.

With the support of Samsung, through Ubank, the platform trusts that they will successfully achieve their objective: to close the gap between the crypto environment and the common market, allowing the exchange of goods and services in exchange for cryptocurrencies.

Our partnership with Samsung is a completely unique story. Not only because the world's largest mobile phone manufacturer has worked with us constantly for more than 10 years, but has also fostered all our experiments: at Ubank we have always been the first to implement and support all cutting-edge technology solutions such as Samsung Pay. The main factor that indicates that this support still exists is that our application is still pre-installed on all Samsung smartphones, that kind of opportunity is not given to any Fintech technology company.

Ubcoin Market will be modeled similarly to other trading platforms like eBay. With this in mind, one of its main objectives is the Asian market, where, according to the Ubank team, more than 70% of the total volume of new cryptocurrencies is mined. This demonstrates a technological breakthrough, as well as the acceptance of cryptoactives and blockchain technology in that continent, which could be translated as an optimal environment to implement the exchange of goods and services by cryptocurrencies.

Ubank has a video explaining the operation of Ubcoin Market, as well as the objectives that they intend to comply with this initiative:

Last April Ubank started an ICO to finance the project, which will run until the middle of July. Currently you can get 10,000 UBC for each unit of ether, the company has already raised more than 5,000 ETH, noting that many of its investors are from Asia, which reaffirms that the continent is a good target to implement Ubcoin Market.

For more information about the project or the ICO, you must access the official Ubcoin website.

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