Report: 2018 Token Sales Almost Double Last Year’s Results

Initial Coin Offerings in the first half of2018 have attracted nearly double theamount of funds raised last year, a new report reveals. Researchers pointout, however, that the majority of ICOshave largely failed, with only a third ofthe projects closed successfully. According to the study, the US remains the major destination for coin offerings while Switzerland has established itself as a European ‘standard bearer’ in regulation.
The capital raised through Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) has reached $13.7 billion USD in the first five months of this year, twice the total for the whole of 2017. The data comes from a newly released report authored by theSwiss Crypto Valley Association (CVA) and Strategy&, the consulting division of one of its members, PwC. The study aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the globalICO activity and explore key changes in the space since last year.

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