Land Sale Makes Almost $500.000 Within a Day for The Sandbox

Virtual world building game The Sandbox accumulated an estimated 470 thousand dollars within the past 24 hours with their third land sale. Game studio TSB Gaming basically sold all of the 12.384 available land parcels to gamers and investors. As a result twenty percent of the total land supply has been sold so far.

The land parcels were selling like cupcakes. Within thirty minutes the company accumulated 2000 ETH worth of sales. That's 265 thousand dollars. Half an hour later chief operating officer Sebastien Borget announced that two-thirds of the sale's supply had been sold.

We made history today

Sebastien Borget, COO The Sandbox - Twitter

At the moment of writing a few land parcels are still available. To be precise, 68 are left. Those who have not been able to buy land during the sale, can find parcels on Opensea as well. A bundle for three land parcels next to the Atari Theme Park is on offer for 1.5 ETH, while the cheapest piece of land is selling for 0.31 ETH or 41 dollars. The most expensive bundle is one for thirty land parcels, selling for 100 ETH ($13.194).

Without a doubt the sale surpassed the expectations of TSB Gaming. Even though the first sale in 2019 was sold out with a few hours, it took the second sale in February a couple of days. During the second sale five percent of the total supply was available, while this third land sale offered ten percent!

The Sandbox getting mainstream attention

Most blockchain project remain part of the blockchain community. They might flourish, even though many never connect with a mainstream audience. The Sandbox might change that. The company behind the virtual world has announced partnerships with companies like Atari, Square Enix and web browser Opera. These are first endeavors into bringing blockchain gaming to the mainstream.

So far only twenty percent of the total land supply has been sold. It's within the line of expectations that the fourth and fifth land sale will bring in even more companies. Imagine fast food restaurants allowing gamers to earn points, and use these points to pay for an actual online order. Or think about a fashion company that's selling t-shirts. Buy a physical shirt, and get the digital one for The Sandbox for free.

The Sandbox open beta

The Sandbox will be out this summer in open beta, together with the Game Maker and a major land sale. For now the developers focus on desktop and laptop users. However, a recent partnership with Opera could bring certain elements from The Sandbox to mobile.

In an exclusive interview with Play to Earn, the studio told about the future of The Sandbox. The community will govern the virtual world and players might be able to order actual pizza from within the virtual world.

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