Final Auction Cryptovoxels Tomorrow

Game developer Ben Nolan announced that the final auction for virtual land parcels in Origin City in Cryptovoxels is happening tomorrow. On Twitter he said that the final parcel was just minted. The total amount of parcels for Cryptovoxels main city is set at 3026.

After Wednesday's auction the only way to buy land in Cryptovoxels is through for example OpenSea. The virtual world already is performing very strong on the open marketplace. It's on the top spot with over 439 ETH, or 76 thousand dollars, in weekly trading volume.

At the moment the cheapest land parcels are priced 3.2 ETH or 554 dollars. The most expensive listings however are around 450 ETH for one 208 m2 land parcel, as land flippers are trying to make money out of the scarcity of good locations in this virtual world.

Cryptovoxels has only been working properly for a little bit over two years. In its early days the parcels sometimes didn't even sell out during the auctions. However, nowadays things are completely different and land sells out within minutes.

More islands for more people

Even though Origin City will be sold out tomorrow, developer Ben Nolan has plans for the road ahead. He's considering opening up more cities or islands for people to buy virtual land. Nolan is always very open about the development of his virtual world.

According to Nolan his virtual world needs to expand in order to attract more users. Currently there are approximately 800 people building in Cryptovoxels, and he wants to increase that number towards 10 thousand people.

"We're probably going to build island, with bridges between the islands"

Ben Nolan, Twitter (March 18th 2020)

Cryptovoxels finding a community

Having a virtual world is one thing, but there should also be a reason for people to actually go inside. From its early days Cryptovoxels resonated well within the crypto art community. As a result it's home to a big variety of art installations and virtual museums. Artists can for example sell their work directly from within the virtual world, which makes for a great user experience.

In addition Cryptovoxels is slowly becoming a place for social gatherings, small conventions and meetings. Ben Nolan is even implementing tools to make it possible for people to have private chats and share a whiteboard. Cryptovoxels is also incredibly easy to use, as everybody can enter the world through their browser, using any device.

The strongest part about Cryptovoxels is that it has grown its presence organically. This is quite a feat in a small market like the one for non-fungible tokens. Read this article by Andrew Steinwold to learn more about Ben Nolan's unique and daring approach to product development.

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