BTC Verses Traditional money

BTC is more efficient than traditional banking. BTC only uses energy while being mined (transacted). The creation and transaction of BTC have been combined for maximum efficiency and it can be stored on a single piece of paper or in your mind.

Money takes energy to be printed. Also consider the Physical resources used to print money. If stored digitally, banks use large severs are never turned off. Now consider the bank its self, and the resources, energy and man power used to build and maintain these enormous buildings. Also consider the millions of ATMs and various other equipment for using cards. Consider the power they use, resources they take to make and maintain, and don't forget the human aspect. there is a person behind almost every card machine. ATMs also need to be filled. This requires a vehicle, special equipment and specially trained persons. We should also consider the human lives that are lost due to the numerous security flaws involved in traditional money, most of which are solved by BTC.

Money is dirty, corrupt, inefficient, dangerous and antiquated.

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