MaidSafe touts new consensus mechanism to rival Bitcoin's Proof-of-Work

MaidSafe (the inspiration, incidentally, for the 'new Internet' Pied Piper in the HBO series Silicon Valley) has come up with what it claims is the most efficient solution yet to the well-known Byzantine Generals problem: achieving consensus across a masterless distributed network in which no one node can be seen as the ultimate source of truth. It's a system the firm says could replace blockchain consensus for trustless data storage.

In short, it is (or soon will be) an open-source version of Hashgraph able to guarantee eventual consistency across a distributed decentralised network. Together with other innovations such as node ageing and close group consensus this should ensure that the SAFE Network is decentralised, secure and scalable. The firm describes asynchronous BFT as "the final unknown" in the way or moving the network into production. There's an into with links here.

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